[Neutron] Zuoz Summer School on Condensed Matter

Heinz J Weyer heinz-josef.weyer at psi.ch
Mon Jun 2 12:05:24 CDT 2003


We like to remind you that the 2nd PSI Summer
School on condensed matter will take place in
Zuoz, Engadin, Switzerland from

August 9 - 16, 2003.

The topic of this year is

"Structure and Dynamics of Soft Condensed Matter".

The purpose of this school is to give the
participants an introduction to the field. The
lectures will cover both theoretical and
experimental aspects, with particular emphasis
on the utilization of the prominent
experimental techniques available at PSI:
neutrons, muons, and synchrotron light. No
previous knowledge of the subject is required,
though the attendees should have a diploma
degree (or equivalent) in natural sciences.

Topics include: Polymers, polymer dynamics,
block copolymers, biomolecules, colloids,
micelles, micro-emulsions, phase transform-
ations, micro-rheology, molecules at inter-
faces, small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering,
neutron and X-ray reflectivity, and photon
correlation spectroscopy in the visible and
the X-ray region.

        Deadline for registration: June 27, 2003

For further information about program and
speakers and for registration please visit
our school website:


Hoping to meet you in Zuoz,

Friso van der Veen, SLS Research Director
Heinz J. Weyer, SLS User Services


Dr. Heinz J. Weyer		Email:	heinz-josef.weyer at psi.ch 
SLS User Services		Phone:	+41 (56) 310 3494
Paul-Scherrer Institut		Fax :	+41 (56) 310 3151
CH-5232 Villigen PSI		Url:	http://www.psi.ch/sls

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