[Neutron] Call for LOI in 2003

oyama oyama at cens.tokai.jaeri.go.jp
Fri Jun 6 16:08:44 CDT 2003

Dear Colleagues,
     Call for Letter of Intent of a proposal on neutron instruments at 
Spallation Neutron Source of J-PARC was announced on June 6, 2003 for 
    Each LOI will be reviewed first by a peer review group and, then, it 
will be discussed at the Neutron Instruments Planning Committee. Based on 
the results of discussions, recommendations for the selected LOI's will be 
made to the Project Director. During the coming few years the call of LOI's 
will be made once a year.
   Please see also J-PARC home page.  (http://j-parc.jp.)

Contact: S.Ikeda (susumu.ikeda at kek.jp)
or Y. Oyama (oyama at cens.tokai.jaeri.go.jp)
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*  Yukio Oyama
*  Deputy Director, Center for Proton Accelerator Facilities
*  Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
*  TEL$B!'(B029-282-6809
*  FAX$B!'(B029-282-5996
*  Mail$B!'(Boyama at cens.tokai.jaeri.go.jp
Coordination Group Leader, J-PARC Project
(JAERI-KEK Joint Project of High Intensity Proton Accelerator)
Please visit our project HP on

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