[Neutron] Third Circular of Symposium in Japan

Makiko Sakai sakai at nml.kek.jp
Tue Sep 2 22:00:21 CDT 2003

Third Circular of IPN2003 / UKJ2003

International Symposium on Pulsed Neutron Science and Instruments

Oct 27 - 30, 2003 in Tsukuba, Japan

Satellite Workshop on UK-Japan Neutron Scattering

Oct 31 - Nov 1, 2003 in Izura, Japan

The Registration deadline has been postponed to 15 September.
After the deadline, we will release pre-reservation of hotel rooms.
Please register as soon as possible.

For further information, please refer to the following Web Site:

This is an international symposium to discuss science and instruments
using pulsed neutrons.  Pulsed neutron scattering technique has
become an indispensable tool for studying atomic structure and
dynamics of materials, hence there are large demands from solid state
physics, materials science, bio-physics, polymer science and even
earth science.  Two 1MW class facilities, SNS and J-PARC-JSNS, and
the ISIS second target station are now under construction.  These new
sources will give us a one or two order of magnitude higher neutron
peak flux, giving an un-experienced new stage in science with neutrons
in 3 years time or so.  Therefore, it is an appropriate time to review
the scientific results done so far by using pulsed neutrons, identify
future opportunities in science with the new sources and to discuss
the instruments to challenge to be frontier in science.

The symposium session includes a plenary session, oral sessions,
poster session, instrument workshops to discuss instruments in new
sources, especially on JSNS instruments, and informal working
sessions to discuss world wide collaboration in computing, detector,
optics, etc.  The symposium will be closed in the J-PARC site with
a summary of the workshops and the working sessions.

A satellite workshop (UKJ2003) on the UK-Japan collaboration, which
has led to the development of innovative instruments (i.e. MARI and
MAPS in ISIS), will follow the symposium. (Anyone is welcome to
attend this workshop.)  These instruments have produced outstanding
scientific results, not only by British and Japanese researchers,
but also by scientists world wide, and have influenced instrument
developments for the future projects, i.e. JSNS, SNS, ESS and
ISIS-II.  In the workshop we will discuss scientific output from
the collaboration and instrumentation for JSNS and ISIS-II,
especially on inelastic neutron instruments, i.e. multi-chopper,
viewing coupled moderator with broad pulse width.  We will also
exchange sample environment technology such as high pressure device,
high magnetic field etc. and discuss future use of neutrons by
forming a tight collaboration (virtual laboratory) among neutron
facility and materials laboratories. The workshop will be closed
after summary & dinner session with talks on "UK-Japan collaboration,
the past and the future".

For further information, please refer to the following Web Site:

<<IPN2003 Programme>>


Session I   Plenary
Session II  New Spallation Sources
Session III Soft Matter
Session IV  Fundamental Physics
After dinner working group sessions


Session V   Solid State Physics
Session VI  Instrument, Component
Session VII Instruments Workshop (4 Parallel Sessions)
1) Single X-Tal Diffraction
2) Powder Diffraction
3) SANS, Reflectometer
4) Inelastic Instruments


Session VIII  Biological Macromolecules
Session IX    Materials Science
Session X     Chemical Materials
Poster Session



Session XI Summary

Transport back to KEK will be arranged after the symposium closing
in JAERI.  Transport will also be arranged for those going on to
the UKJ 2003 workshop in Izura.

<<UKJ2003 programme>>


Transfer from JAERI (IPN2003) to Izura by bus

Session I    Status Report of the UK-Japan Collaboration
Session II   Scientific Review on UK-Japan Collaboration
Session III  Instrument Session for JSNS and ISIS-II

Focus on instrumentation for the new sources which our two countries
are building.  Especially instruments viewing coupled moderator,
i.e. multi-disk chopper.

Session IV   Synergy Strategy for Neutron Facility
Session V    Summary and Dinner


9:30-12:00  UK-Japan executive meeting (closed business session)

<<Invited speakers for IPN2003/UKJ2003>> (* to be confirmed)

S.Agnew (Univ.Virginia)*
I.Anderson (SNS,ORNL)
S.M.Bennington (ISIS,RAL)*
R.Bewley (ISIS,RAL)*
C.Broholm (JHU)* 
S.M.Clarke (Univ.Cambridge)*
R.Cooper (SNS,ORNL)*
T.Egami (ORNL,Univ.Tennessee)
G.Fragnetto (ILL)*
A.Hannon (ISIS,RAL)*
J.R.Helliwell (Univ.Manchester)*
M.Hirai (Gunnma Univ.)*
M.Imai (Ochanomizu Univ.)
F.Kaeppeler (Karlsruhe)*
H.Kagi (Univ.Tokyo)*
T.Kanaya (Kyoto Univ.)
T.Kamiyama (KEK)
Kawakami (Ezai)*  
H.Kawano (Ochanomizu Univ.)
S.Koizumi (JAERI)
K.Kurihara (JAERI)*
P.Langan (LANL)*
R.Lechner (HMI)*  
E.Lehmann (PSI)
C.Loong (ANL)*    
M.Matsuda (JAERI)
K.McEwen (UCL)*   
R.McGreevy (ISIS,RAL)*
F.Mezei (HMI) 
M.Misawa (Niigata Univ.)
M.Mokenbusch (Juelich)*
D.Myles (SNS,ORNL)*
J.Penfold (ISIS,RAL)*
W.Press (ILL)*    
D.Richter (Juelich)
H.Shimizu (RIKEN)*
A.Sokolov (Penn State Univ.)*
U.Steigenberger (ISIS,RAL)
A.Taylor (ISIS,RAL)*
Y.Tokura (Univ.Tokyo)*
Y.Tomota (Ibaraki Univ.)*
C.Vettier (ILL)
C.Wilson (ISIS,RAL)*
J.Zhang (CSNS)

<<Important Deadlines>>  (REVISED)

15 September(POSTPONED): Registration and Abstract Submission

15 September(POSTPONED): Hotel Reservation

31 October: Manuscript Submission for IPN2003

1  November: Manuscript Submission for UKJ2003


Papers presented at the IPN2003 will be published in the Journal of
Neutron Research, and those at the UKJ2003 will be in a separate
issue of the Journal.  The space for contributed papers is limited to
four pages.  All papers will be subjected to a referee process.
Instruction for authors will be available soon.

<<Contact Us>>

Makiko Sakai
Institute for Materials Structure Science
High Energy Accelerator Research
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan

Tel: +81-29-864-5625
Fax: +81-29-864-5623
E-mail: sakai at nml.kek.jp

Web site: http://neutron-www.kek.jp/Symposia/index.html

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