[Neutron] ACNS Call for Abstracts

Robert M. Briber NEW E-MAIL!: rbriber at umd.edu
Mon Feb 2 10:32:41 CST 2004

ACNS Call for Abstracts
Abstracts Due March 1, 2004
2004 American Conference on Neutron Scattering
College Park, MD June 6-10, 2004
On-line abstract submission at:

The second American Conference on Neutron Scattering will be hosted 
by the NIST Center for Neutron Research, and will be held in the Inn 
and Conference Center for the University of Maryland University 
College in College Park, MD June 6-10, 2004.

The conference is intended to showcase recent scientific results in 
neutron science.  The specific sorting categories for abstracts are: 
Biology, Chemistry and Materials, Engineering/Applications, 
Instrumentation, Soft Matter, Condensed Matter Physics and 
Fundamental Physics.  The conference will feature the presentation of 
the first Cliff Shull Prize for Neutron Science to be awarded to J. 
Michael Rowe (NIST).

The afternoon of Wednesday June 9 is being set aside in anticipation 
of the need for breakout sessions.  Breakout sessions can be used to 
accommodate groups that want to plan, organize and discuss particular 
projects such as the development of a specific neutron instrument, 
data collection or analysis systems, etc.  If you have a well-defined 
set of topics you would like to organize, please go the ACNS webpage 
to request a breakout session.

The conference encourages the participation of graduate students, 
postdocs, and new faculty, as well as established researchers in 
neutron scattering and allied disciplines. For the former groups, 
funds will be available to help defray travel expenses.  The NSSA 
Prize for Outstanding Student Research will also be awarded at the 
meeting (see conference website for details).

ACNS Conference website: http://www.ncnr.nist.gov/acns

Partial List of Invited Speakers
Nitash Balsara  (UC Berkeley)		Dobrin Bossev  (U. MD/NIST)
Ying Chen  (LANL)			Georg Ehlers  (ORNL)
William Hamilton  (ORNL)		Brooks Harris  (U. Penn.)
Russ Hemley  (Geophysical Lab)	Jorge Iniguez  (U. MD/NIST)
Susan Krueger  (NIST)		Michel Kenzelmann  (JHU/NIST)
Young Lee  (MIT)			Brian Maple  (UCSD)
Janna Maranas  (Penn State U.)	Thom Mason  (ORNL)
Robert McQueeney  (Iowa State)	Joel Mesot  (PSI)
Mike Rowe  (NIST)			Igor Zaliznyak  (BNL)
Kazu Yamada  (Tohoku University)

Important Conference Dates:
March 1, 2004		Abstracts Due
May 8, 2004		Deadline for Hotel Reservations at Conference Rate
May 31, 2004 at 9 AM	Online Registration Deadline
June 6, 2004		Conference Starts

Conference Contacts:
James Jorgensen (ANL), General Chair, jjorgensen at anl.gov
Jeffrey Lynn (NIST), Co-Program Chair, jeffrey.lynn at nist.gov
Shenda Baker (Harvey Mudd College), Co-Program Chair, shenda_baker at hmc.edu
David Belanger (UCSC), Treasurer, dave at dave.ucsc.edu

Local Contacts:
Julie Borchers (NIST), julie.borchers at nist.gov
Robert Briber (UMD), rbriber at umd.edu

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