[Neutron] Announcement- VII School of Neutron scattering F. P. Ricci in Pa lau- web site now open for registration

Howells, WS (Spencer) S.Howells at rl.ac.uk
Tue Mar 16 08:44:54 CST 2004

                                       VII School of Neutron Scattering 
                           ''Francesco Paolo Ricci''
Small and ultra-small angle neutron scattering: structural and dynamical

Hotel Capo d'Orso - Località Cala Capra, Palau (SS)
(www.delphina.it/orso.htm <http://www.delphina.it/orso.htm>
<http://www.delphina.it/orso.htm>  )
21 settembre - 2 ottobre 2004 

The School, established in 1994, is primarily addressed to graduate students
or postdoctoral fellows who are interested in the field of Neutron
Scattering. The School will comprise lectures, tutorials and simulation
sessions covering all aspects of the theory and practice of Neutron
Diffraction and Neutron Spectroscopy, with special attention to Small Angle
(SANS) and Ultra Small Angle (USANS) Scattering. 
The School will be held in Palau (Sardinia Island -Italy) and will commence
on Thusday the 21st September, with a series of introductory lectures
covering the fundamentals of neutron scattering. Anybody interested to
attend the School is invited to register by filling out the school
Application Form. Those who need financial support should also fill out the
Financial Assistance Form. Both forms are available at the web site: 
http://www.fis.uniroma3.it/sns_fpr/ <http://www.fis.uniroma3.it/sns_fpr/>  

With the support of NMI3

Prof. C. Andreani
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
Dipartimento di Fisica
Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1
00133 Roma
Please visit the VESUVIO and e.VERDI web page


Link al 'Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone' rivista del CNR

tel. 0039+06 72594441
Fax 0039+06 2023507

e-mail   carla.andreani at roma2.infn.it
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