[Neutron] Summer School on Condensed Matter Research, Zuoz Switzerland

Bercher Renate renate.bercher at psi.ch
Wed Apr 7 16:57:43 CDT 2004

3rd Summer School on Condensed Matter Research
August 7 - 14, 2004, Lyceum Alpinum, Zuoz, Switzerland

As a continuation of our traditional summer school on neutron scattering we
initiated two years ago an extended type of school which is called PSI
Summer School on Condensed Matter Research. While the experimental methods
provided by PSI to the scientific community, that is neutrons, muons and
synchrotron light - should still play a crucial but not exclusive role, the
emphasis of the school should be on a particular topic, to be defined every
year. The topic of this third school (2004) will be Phase Transitions.

J. Als-Nielsen, Niels Bohr Institute
E. Bartsch, Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Mainz
R. Cowley, University of Oxford
B.I. Halperin, Lyman Laboratory, Harvard University
A. Keren, Technion, Haifa
J. Mesot, Paul Scherrer Institut
R. Morf, Paul Scherrer Institut
H.R. Ott, ETH Hönggerberg
C. Pfleiderer, Universität Karlsruhe
S.M. Shapiro, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York
M. Sigrist, ETH Hönggerberg
H.E. Stanley, Boston University
T. Strässle, Université Pierre et Marie Curie B77 
N. Straumann, Universität Zürich
J.M. Tranquada, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York
M. Vojta, Universität Karlsruhe

- Basic principles, Landau theory
- First order phase transitions
- Critical and multicritical behaviour
- Universality and scaling theory
- Critical dynamics
- Superfluids and superconductors
- Quantum phase transitions
- Glass transitions
- Phase transitions in the Universe

K. Clausen, PSI Villigen
W.E. Fischer, PSI Villigen
A. Furrer, ETH Zurich
R. Morf, PSI Villigen
H.R. Ott, ETH Zurich
P. Schurtenberger, Uni Fribourg

W. Fischer (chairman), A. Furrer, R. Bercher (secretary)
Residential accommodation will be available at the Lyceum Alpinum in Zuoz
(costs: 800 Swiss Francs, including full board and banquet). The number of
participants will be limited to 120. The language of the School is English.
Closing date for applying is June 30, 2004.
Web site: http://num.web.psi.ch/zuoz2004/
For further information please contact Renate Bercher, Paul Scherrer
Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland, Tel. +41 56 3103 402, Fax. +41 56
310 3131, email: renate.bercher at psi.ch

Renate Bercher
Paul Scherrer Institut
Condensed Matter Research /
Spallation Neutron Source
5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Tel. 0041 56 310 3402
Fax 0041 56 310 3131
email: renate.bercher at psi.ch

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