[Neutron] ACNS Conference Program
Robert M. Briber
rbriber at umd.edu
Mon May 3 09:24:06 CDT 2004
ACNS Conference Program Available
2004 American Conference on Neutron Scattering
College Park, MD June 6-10, 2004
The conference epitome, program and author index for the 2004 ACNS is
now available on-line at
Please register for the conference, sign up for a tutorial on Sunday
or NCNR tour on Thursday, arrange for accommodations at the
Conference Center (or off-conference-site student housing), and get a
ticket for the banquet if you want to attend, which can all be done
on the conference website. You may also submit a request for
financial support on-line.
Hotel reservations at the University of Maryland Inn and Conference
Center can be made on-line at:
) or by phone at 301-985-7300. The code for the conference is
ACNACNA. There has been some intermittent problems with the hotel
reservation system, if you have trouble booking a room please try
again, there are plenty of rooms available.
We're looking forward to seeing you at the conference!
The ACNS conference is intended to showcase recent scientific results
in neutron science. The specific sorting categories for abstracts
are: Biology, Chemistry and Materials, Engineering/Applications,
Instrumentation, Soft Matter, Condensed Matter Physics and
Fundamental Physics. The conference will feature the presentation of
the first Cliff Shull Prize for Neutron Science to be awarded to J.
Michael Rowe (NIST).
List of Invited Speakers
M. Rowe, NIST J. Mesot, PSI
T. Mason, ORNL R. Briber, UMD
K. Blasie, UPENN S. Krueger, NIST
J. Eckert, LANL R. Lobo, University of Delaware
S. Moss, Univ. of Houston J. Iniguez, UMD/NIST
J. Martin, NC A. Kolesnikov (ANL)
P. Woodward, OSU J. Root, Chalk River
E. Ustundag, CalTech R. Hemley, Geophysical Laboratory
B. Wyslouzil, OSU R. Osborn, ANL
N. Balsara, UCB W. Hamilton, ORNL
V. Prabbu, NIST D. Bossev, UMD/NIST
J. Maranas, Penn State M. Kenzelmann, JHU/NIST
I. Zaliznyak, BNL G. Ehlers, ORNL
Y. Ijiri, Oberlin College B. Harris, UPENN
Y. Chen, LANL Y. Lee, MIT
R. McQueeney, ISU/Ames Lab B. Maple, UCSD
J. Carpenter, ANL H. Mook, ORNL
K. Yamada, Tohoku Univ. C. Stock, Univ. of Toronto
S. Dzhosyuk, Harvard W. Hersman, UNH
P. Langan, LANL
Important Conference Dates:
May 8, 2004 Deadline for Hotel Reservations at Conference Rate
May 31, 2004 at 9 AM Online Registration Deadline
June 6, 2004 Conference Starts
Conference Contacts:
James Jorgensen (ANL), General Chair, jjorgensen at anl.gov
Jeffrey Lynn (NIST), Co-Program Chair, jeffrey.lynn at nist.gov
Shenda Baker (Harvey Mudd College), Co-Program Chair, shenda_baker at hmc.edu
David Belanger (UCSC), Treasurer, dave at dave.ucsc.edu
Local Contacts:
Julie Borchers (NIST), julie.borchers at nist.gov
Robert Briber (UMD), rbriber at umd.edu
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