[Neutron] Material Science, research position at LLB (Saclay)

Alain Menelle menl at llb.saclay.cea.fr
Fri Sep 10 16:12:22 CDT 2004

LLB (CEA-CNRS) VACANCY : Researcher in Materials Science 

Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB), a CEA-CNRS research unit, is the french neutron scattering center (http://www-cea.llb.fr/index_e.html). Located near Paris at the 14 MW Orphée reactor in the Saclay CEA research center, it runs 24 instruments, performs more than 400 experiments per year and is a member of the European Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy (NMI3, http://www.neutron-eu.net).

The laboratory should open soon a permanent position in the field of Materials Science.

When available, this position will be open to a confirmed scientist (PhD + at least two years in Materials Science). A broad knowledge in diffraction and in mechanical properties of materials is required. Some experience in neutron scattering instrumentation will be appreciated. 

Two main tasks will be given to the successful candidate.

1- He/she will be responsible of the "stress" activity at the LLB, including charge of the LLB strain scanner DIANE (http://www-llb.cea.fr/spectros/pdf/g52-llb.pdf). He/she will be the correspondent of external users from French and European laboratories for experiments of academic or industrial interest. He/she will be in charge of the instrumental development of the DIANE diffractometer.

2- He/she will have to develop his/her own research project in materials science in connection with related fields of interest in the LLB, such as internal stresses and mechanical properties of composite materials, relation between crystallographic textures and deformation, study of the heterogeneous distribution of stresses and strains in polycrystals.

A letter of application, a Curriculum Vitae, the list of publications and names of academic referees have to be sent either by e-mail, fax or regular post to :

Pierre Monceau
Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (CEA-CNRS)
CEA Saclay
F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
Fax : (+33 1-69-08-82-61)
email : monceau at llb.saclay.cea.fr

Applications are expected to be returned by October 31st 2004.

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