[Neutron] Neutrons at the Frontier of Earth Sciences and the Environment - Symposium and Scholarship information

Ekkebus, Allen E. ekkebusae at ornl.gov
Fri Jan 7 15:07:22 CST 2005

Symposium on 

Neutrons at the Frontier of Earth Sciences and Environment (NESE)

April 25-29, 2005

Vienna, Austria


The Symposium on Neutrons at the Frontier of Earth Sciences and
Environment (NESE) will be held as part of the European Geosciences
Union (EGU), 2nd General Assembly, in Vienna, Austria, April 25-29,
2005.  The specific goals of NESE are to identify grand challenges in
earth sciences and environment that should be addressed during the next
5-10 years using neutron scattering techniques at current and future
generation sources.  NESE will also define a roadmap for development of
the next generation instrumentation at the major user facilities for
characterization and measurement addressing these challenges.  You can
find information on NESE at
http://neutron.neutron-eu.net/n_nmi3/n_networking_activities/n_nese, and
the EGU meeting at http://www.copernicus.org/EGU/ga/egu05/.


To increase the U.S. audience involved in these discussions, the Joint
Institute for Neutron Sciences at the University of Tennessee and Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, and the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak
Ridge National Laboratory are coordinating a scholarship program to
cover travel expenses, lodging, registration, and abstract service
charge up to a maximum of $2500, subject to certain restrictions, for a
limited number of early career scientists (graduate students or
postdoctoral fellows not more than five years past receipt of doctoral
degree at U.S. colleges and universities).  


Reimbursement of these expenses is conditional on acceptance of an
abstract for a poster or a talk; the deadline for receipt of abstracts
by the EGU is 21 January 2005.  Abstracts may be able to be submitted
after this through the U.S. convener of the NESE symposium, and this
will be coordinated through the scholarship application process.  


To be considered for a scholarship, please submit the following
information by email to ekkebusae at sns.gov by 0700 EST on January 17,
2005.  The following information must be included:


Contact information: 

*	Full name, academic institution, department, 
*	Address, including paper mail, email, and fax
*	Citizenship (if you are not a US citizen, please also include a
passport number, visa status and expiration dates



*	If a graduate student, please provide the name of your thesis
advisor and specific subject area of your thesis
*	If you are a postdoctoral fellow, please provide the name of
your doctoral granting institution, the name of your thesis advisor, and
the title of your thesis.



*	Provide complete citations to your publications, including
source, title of the article, and author(s)
*	Describe your area of current research AND indicate the role
that neutron scattering may play in your research.  
*	You MUST include a preliminary abstract of the talk or poster
that you intend to submit to NESE.  
*	Describe why attending this conference would be valuable to
their career development.


For additional information, please contact Al Ekkebus, Spallation
Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, email ekkebusae at sns.gov,
telephone: 865-241-5644.




Allen E. Ekkebus

Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

One Bethel Valley Road, Bldg 8600

P. O. Box 2008, MS 6474

Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6474

Telephone: (865) 241-5644            Fax: (865) 241-5177


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