[Neutron] ECRS 7 / Revised version

Walter Reimers walter.reimers at tu-berlin.de
Thu Jul 7 12:39:39 CDT 2005

Dear colleagues,

attached you will find the revised and now correct 
version for the first announcement and Call 
for Abstracts for the ECRS 7 conference to be held 
13th -15th September 2006.

Updates will be made on www.ECRS7.de

I hope to meet you in Berlin.

Prof. Dr. W. Reimers

Technische  Universität Berlin
Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaften und -
Metallische Werkstoffe, Sekr.BH 18
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1
10587 Berlin
Tel.: ++49 (0)30 314-22417
Fax: ++49 (0)30 314-22996
Email: Walter.Reimers at TU-berlin.de

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   ---- Datei Information/File information -----------
     Datei/File:  ECRS 7_ flyer_ 1.pdf
     Datum/Date:  7 Jul 2005, 11:05
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