[Neutron] Autumn school on Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron radiationin Materials Science: Registration now open

Andreas.Schreyer at gkss.de Andreas.Schreyer at gkss.de
Thu Jul 7 19:17:30 CDT 2005

We are happy to announce our Autumn School

                Application of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation in 
Engineering Materials Science

near Hamburg, Germany

Oct. 10.-14., 2005

organized by the HGF Virtual Institute "Photon and Neutron Research on 
Advanced Engineering Materials"

Neutron and photon sources offer unique possibilities by complementary use 
of the radiations for structural analyses of advanced engineering 
materials. Compared to conventional laboratory X-rays the spatial and time 
resolution achievable using synchrotron radiation can be improved by up to 
several orders of magnitude while neutrons have specific advantages e.g. 
regarding penetration of materials. Diffraction methods reveal information 
about crystalline phase volume fractions, texture and residual stresses, 
while tomography provides complementary 3-dimensional images of the 
material’s microstructure. The school is designed to provide a systematic 
overview of this field to students and young scientists from research and 
industry all over Europe.


- Neutron an Synchrotron Radiation sources

- Materials and Processes

- X-ray and Neutron Imaging

- Diffraction and Scattering Methods

- Industrial Applications

The school will cover all relevant experimental topics in a three day 
course and finish with a two day practical (one day neutrons, one day 
photons at various strain scanners, texture diffractometers, small angle 
scattering and tomography stations at GKSS and DESY).

More detailed information is available at 


Please register  at 
before August 15th, 2005.

We are grateful if you pass on this message to whoever may be interested.

It ist possible to finance travel and living expenses for up to10 students 
from EU Countries outside Germany !
nmi3 - Inegrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon 
NMI3 Supported by the European Commission - 6th Framework Programme
Structuring the European Research Area - Research Infrastructures - 
Contract Number: R113-CT-2003-505925

Furthermore, students, who are not eligible for EU support may request 
financial support from the organizers.

We are looking forward to meeting you in October in Hamburg!

Andreas Schreyer

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schreyer
Institute for Materials Research
Dept. WFN (Neutron-/Synchrotron Scattering)
GKSS-Research Center
PO Box 1160
D-21494 Geesthacht, Germany
web: http://genf.gkss.de
e-mail: andreas.schreyer at gkss.de
phone : +49 4152 87-1254
fax:    +49 4152 87-1338

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