[Neutron] Advertising for Neutron-Scattering Group Leader, Bragg Institute, Sydney, Australia

ROBINSON, Robert rro at ansto.gov.au
Fri Aug 19 23:35:19 CDT 2005

Neutron Scattering Research Leaderneut_scatting 

We are seeking a scientific leader to lead and mentor a team of ~20 principal-investigator-level Ph.D. researchers using neutron and x-ray techniques to solve scientific and technological problems in condensed-matter physics, materials science and
engineering, chemistry, and the life and earth sciences. 

Successful candidates will be expected to conduct a world-class research program, in collaboration with Australian universities, industry, other ANSTO divisions and leading overseas research institutions. This is a leadership role and part of the
management team. We offer the opportunity to influence research direction and to work with, mentor and develop your team of researchers. 

Successful candidates will have a Ph.D. in condensed-matter physics, chemistry, materials science or a related area and at least 15 years postdoctoral experience with an international reputation in your field.

Applications close on 30 September 2005
For further information download PDF <http://home.ansto.gov.au/info/vac/vac2005/anstovacancy2005_083.pdf>  RTF <http://home.ansto.gov.au/info/vac/vac2005/anstovacancy2005_083.rtf>  

from http://www.ansto.gov.au/info/vac/vac2005/anstovacancy2005_083.pdf <http://www.ansto.gov.au/info/vac/vac2005/anstovacancy2005_083.pdf> 

or http://www.ansto.gov.au/info/vac/vac2005/anstovacancy2005_083.rtf <http://www.ansto.gov.au/info/vac/vac2005/anstovacancy2005_083.rtf> 

Robert A. Robinson
Head, The Bragg Institute, Building 58
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Menai             tel: +61-(2)-9717-9204
NSW 2234          FAX: +61-(2)-9717-3606
AUSTRALIA         e-mail: rro at ansto.gov.au

Web sites:
http://www.ansto.gov.au/ansto/bragg/index.html <http://www.ansto.gov.au/ansto/bragg/index.html>  
http://www.ansto.gov.au/ansto/bragg/staff/s_rob.html <http://www.ansto.gov.au/ansto/bragg/staff/s_rob.html> 


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