[Neutron] Position at Chalk River

McIvor, Alastair - NRC Alastair.McIvor at nrc.gc.ca
Mon Aug 29 10:54:37 CDT 2005

 National Research Council - Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
Research Council Officer, Chalk River 

NRC Canadian Neutron Beam Centre (NRC-CNBC)


Chalk River - Ontario


The incumbent of this position will be responsible for: - providing
leadership and supervision to the CNBC technical group. - advising the CNBC
researchers and management regarding technical or engineering aspects of
CNBC equipment - coordinating technical or engineering services requested by
the CNBC of external providers, either within NRC, within AECL's Chalk River
complex or elsewhere - managing the day-to-day operation of scheduled
neutron-beam experiments, - managing multiple projects to develop minor
equipment to advance laboratory - participating in the planning, management
and execution of major equipment projects - leading and participating in the
preparation of documentation of technical equipment for internal and
external reference - contributing professional expertise in practical
support of technical and engineering developments of the CNBC facilities -
managing the CNBC response to actions required by safety regulations -
undertaking continuous learning of all technical aspects of the CNBC,
including systems for computerized data acquisition, analysis and transfer,
hardware-software interfacing, mechanical engineering, design and
fabrication, radiation detector systems, sensors, cryogenic and
high-temperature environments, safety systems, and general maintenance of
consumables and work areas.


Full job posting and on-line application:



The Canadian Neutron Beam Centre web site:


http:// <http://neutron.nrc.gc.ca> neutron.nrc.gc.ca
Alastair McIvor

Strategic Planning and Marketing
National Research Council
Canadian Neutron Beam Centre

tel (613) 584 3311 x6274
fax (613) 584 4040 

Building 459
Chalk River Laboratories
Chalk River
K0J 1J0

 National Research Council Canada -  <http://neutron.nrc.gc.ca/px/mail1.gif>
Government of Canada <http://neutron.nrc.gc.ca/px/mail2.gif> 




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