[Neutron] Announcement Workshop "Scattering on Liquid-Liquid Interfaces"

Thomas Gutberlet thomas.gutberlet at psi.ch
Tue Apr 10 19:09:08 CDT 2007

Dear colleagues,

we like to inform you on the upcoming international workshop on the topic 
of "Scattering on Liquid-Liquid Interfaces" to be held on June 22-24 at the 
Comwell Borupgaard Conference Center in Snekkersten, Denmark. The
workshop is in close proximity to the European Conference on Neutron
Scattering in Lund, Sweden.

The workshop aims to discuss among leading scientists in the field the
opportunities and needs to study liquid-liquid interfaces with x-rays
and neutrons. An overview of the current work on liquid-liquid
interfaces will be given, current instrument options and future
developments will be outlined and a plan for co-operation in the
future use of neutrons to investigate liquid- liquid interfaces will
be developed.

Registration and submission of presentation is now open and you may
register, sending an e-mail with title and short abstract of your
presentation to thomas.gutberlet at psi.ch

Deadline for submission of presentations is April 20. 2007
Deadline for registration is April 30. 2007

Further information on the workshop and the program can be found at

Best regards
Thomas Gutberlet, PSI
Adrian Rennie, Uppsala University

Dr. Thomas Gutberlet
Paul Scherrer Institut
Lab. f. Neutron Scattering
5232 Villigen PSI

phone +41 (0)56 3104374
fax      +41 (0)56 3102939
mobile +41 (0)76 4891605
e-mail thomas.gutberlet at psi.ch

------- End of forwarded message -------
Dr. Thomas Gutberlet
Paul Scherrer Institut
Lab. f. Neutron Scattering
5232 Villigen PSI
phone +41 (0)56 3104374
fax      +41 (0)56 3102939
mobile +41 (0)76 4891605
e-mail thomas.gutberlet at psi.ch

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