[Neutron] Workshop "Scattering on Liquid-Liquid Interfaces"

Thomas Gutberlet thomas.gutberlet at psi.ch
Fri Apr 20 16:13:05 CDT 2007

Dear colleagues,

this is just a reminder on the deadlines to submit abstracts for the workshop 
on "Scattering on Liquid-Liquid Interfaces" to be held June 22-24 in 
Denmark, Conference Center Klinten in Rodvig.

Deadline for abstracts: April 20. 2007

Deadline for registration: April 30. 2007

Details and the preliminary program please find at 

Best regards
Thomas Gutberlet, PSI
Adrian Rennie, Uppsala University

Dr. Thomas Gutberlet
Paul Scherrer Institut
Lab. f. Neutron Scattering
5232 Villigen PSI
phone +41 (0)56 3104374
fax      +41 (0)56 3102939
mobile +41 (0)76 4891605
e-mail thomas.gutberlet at psi.ch

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