[Neutron] Reminder - Neutrons in Biology, RAL, UK - Abstract deadline 28th May

nib2007 NIB2007 at rl.ac.uk
Wed May 16 12:33:17 CDT 2007

Reminder - Call for Abstracts
Neutrons in Biology - 2007, July 11-13, 
ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Apologies to those who receive this from more than list:

The deadline for submission of abstracts for talks for NIB2007 is approaching. Abstracts for talks will be accepted until May 28th. In addition younger scientists applying for financial support will need to submit abstracts for either posters or talks by the same date. Other poster abstracts received before June 18 will be included in the book of abstracts. 

Registration will be accepted up until the week of the conference. However to take advantage of the accommodation booked onsite for the meeting it will be necessary to make your accommodation booking by June 11th. After this date any remaining rooms will be passed back to the accommodation office and we will not be able to guarantee availability.

Registration is available at the conference website:

Accommodation can be booked at the onsite guest house, Ridgeway House, by contacting ridgewayhouse at rl.ac.uk and quoting 'Neutrons in Biology' in the email subject line.

The three day meeting will focus on recent progress in the application of neutron scattering to problems in biological and biomedical science. Talks will cover Small Angle Neutron Scattering of proteins and complexes in solution, studies of membrane proteins by neutron reflectometry, and recent advances in neutron protein crystallography as well as progress in instrumentation, experimental design, and data analysis.

Confirmed speakers include Professor Gordon Lindsay (Glasgow), Dr Sylvia McLain (SNS, Oak Ridge), Professor Bob Thomas (Oxford), Dr Stephan Grage (Karlsruhe), Dr Günter Grossman (Daresbury Laboratory), Dr Thomas Hauss (HMI, Berlin), Professor Jayne Lawrence (Kings College London), Dr Susana Teixeira (ILL and Keele), Dr Jonathan Essex (Southampton), Dr Andrew Whitten (ANSTO, Sydney), and Professor Jeremy Lakey (Newcastle). 

Contributions from young scientists are particularly encouraged and the meeting will include opportunities for contributed oral and poster presentations as well as selected poster talks. One session will be dedicated to a discussion of the development of support facilities for biological sciences at neutron sources and the potential for future developments.

Yours sincerely

Cameron Neylon
On behalf of the organising committee,
Neutrons in Biology, 2007

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