[Neutron] 2nd Announcement: QAMTS 2007

Juergen Eckert juergen at mrl.ucsb.edu
Wed May 30 13:02:02 CDT 2007

                  2nd Announcement and Call for Abstracts

Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids and other Condensed Phases 2007

The XIVth International Workshop  on "Quantum Atomic  and Molecular
Tunneling in Solids and other Condensed Phases" will held at the Hilton Hotel on
the campus of the University  of Houston, in Houston, Texas,  from Sunday
October 28  through Wednesday. November 1,  2007.

The hallmark of this workshop has been its highly crossdisciplinary nature,
which includes work on tunneling of protons and heavier species in condensed
phases in general, including biological systems, chemical reactions, transport
phenomena in solids, etc. as well as rotational tunneling of small molecules or
molecular groups.

Deadline for receipt of abstracts is August 31, 2007. Please indicate a
preference for poster or oral presentation. However, the final selection of oral
presentations will be made by the program committee upon taking both the
significance of the paper and balance of topics at the meeting into account.

Deadline for early registration at reduced fee is August 31, 2007

Please visit our website at
for all the necessary information. You will be able to register on our website,
upload your abstract, and book your rooms at the conference hotel. Please check
the website frequently, as it is still a work in progress.

For further questions concerning  the scientific program you may contact
                  George Reiter (greiter at uh.edu) or
                  Juergen Eckert (juergen at mrl.ucsb.edu)

                   Invited Speakers Include:
Rudy Marcus (Caltech)
Jose Maria Lluch (Barcelona)
Sharon Hammes-Schiffer (Penn State)
John Larese (UT Knoxville)
Oliver Khn (FU Berlin)
Malcolm Levitt (U. Southampton)
Judith Klinman (UC Berkeley)
Antionio Fernandez Ramos (U. Santiago de Compostela)
Roberto Senesi (U. Roma)
Robert McMahon (U. Wisconsin)
Weston Thatcher Borden (U. North Texas)
William Miller (UC Berkeley)
Nigel Scrutton (U Manchester)
George Reiter (Houston)
Dan Singleton (Texas A&M)
Neil Skipper (University College London)
Amnon Kohen (U. Iowa)
Jacek Waluk (ICHF, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Victor Benderskii (Institut of Problems in Chemical Physics, Russia)

This meeting is sponsored by the University of Houston,
the Spallation Neutron Source (ORNL), the Joint Institute of
Neutron Scattering (University of Tennessee, Knoxville),
the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANL), and the
International Center of Materials Research (University of California Santa

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