[Neutron] canSAS-V : October 28-31, 2007
Andrew Jackson
ajj at nist.gov
Thu May 31 11:24:16 CDT 2007
canSAS-V : October 28-31, 2007 : Gaithersburg, MD, USA
The fifth gathering of the Collective Action for Nomadic Small Angle
Scatterers (CANSAS V) will be hosted by the NIST Center for Neutron
Research in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA from October 28th to 31st, 2007.
The program is currently being developed and the program committee
welcomes ideas for discussion topics.
More information and contact details will be found at http://
We look forward to seeing you in October.
Andrew Jackson, on behalf of the organizers and program committee.
Program Committee:
Adrian Rennie (Uppsala University)
Steve King (ISIS)
Nick Terrill (Diamond)
Pete Jemian (APS)
Elliot Gilbert (ANSTO)
Koizumi Satoshi (JAEA)
Paul Butler (NCNR)
Andrew Jackson (NCNR)
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