[Neutron] Open position at Saarland University in cooperation with Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, PSI

SINQ sinq at psi.ch
Thu Jul 12 10:34:50 CDT 2007

The Institute of Physical Chemistry (group of Prof. Dr. R. Hempelmann  
at Saarland University) is
currently looking for a

Postdoctoral Fellow

in the field of neutron spectroscopy with polarized neutrons. This  
position is within a BMBF-
founded project.

place of employement  : Villigen, Switzerland
duration              : 3 years

The aim of the project is the implementation of a polarization option  
(groundbreaking wide-
angle polarizers) on FOCUS, the TOF-spectrometer at SINQ (Laboratory  
for neutron scattering
(ETH Zurich & Paul Scherrer Institut)). For further informations see:
spectroscopy.web.psi.ch/focus/ .
The work will be realized in close collaboration with scientists from  
the laboratory for neutron
scattering. The range of tasks covers (inter alia):

• definition of the project details (simulations)
• monitoring of construction and assembly
• test of prototyp and subsystems directly on FOCUS TOF-spectrometer
• implementation of the polarisation option on FOCUS
• experiments on relevant scientific tasks

Furthermore the candidate has the opportunity to take part in the  
scientific program of the
Saarbrücken group (http://www.uni-saarland.de/fak8/hempelmann/) as  
well as in the program of
the laboratory of neutron scattering (LNS @ PSI and ETH Zurich  

The possible candidate should have a PhD in physics / chemistry (or  
related fields). We expect
sound standing knowledge in scattering methods to study condensed  
matter (preferable
neutron scattering).

Please address applications in written form quoting the reference  
number 61C to

      Prof. Dr. R. Hempelmann
      Universität des Saarlandes
      Physikalische Chemie
      Gebäude B22
      66123 Saarbrücken
      Telefon  + 49 (0)681/302-4750
      Telefax  + 49 (0)681/302-4759
      r.hempelmann at mx.uni-saarland.de

Application documents will not be returned, thus please send  
duplicates only; don’t use binders
(or the like). Questions concerning the position should be addressed  
to :

      Dr. Jan Peter Embs
      Laboratory for Neutron Scattering
      ETH Zurich & Paul Scherrer Institut
      CH - 5232 Villigen-PSI, Switzerland
      Tel.  +41 (0)56 310 5392
      Fax. +41 (0)56 310 2939
      jan.embs at psi.ch

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