Please contribute to the "Emerging Opportunities" session for the
Knoxville ACA meeting
Swainson, Ian - NRC
Ian.Swainson at nrc.gc.ca
Fri Dec 7 14:13:48 CST 2007
Subject: Please contribute to the "Emerging Opportunities" session for the Knoxville ACA meeting
We are writing to alert you to the session on Emerging Opportunities for X-Ray and Neutron Scattering to be held at the ACA meeting in spring 2008. We believe the session is especially timely since the meeting will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee, near to the new Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge Nat'l Lab. In this session, number 13.09, we hope to feature the new sources that are going up around the world and those that are getting significant upgrades. In addition, this is an opportunity for any of you with new and exciting techniques or equipment for either neutron or x-ray scattering studies to report on your experiences.
Please submit an abstract to the ACA web site
-- http://www.amercrystalassn.org -- describing your work. PLEASE NOTE: The deadline is Saturday 15 December!!
Don't hesitate to ask questions of either of us:
Bob Sweet For x-ray questions sweet at bnl.gov
Ken Herwig For neutron questions herwigkw at ornl.gov
Robert M. Sweet E-Dress: sweet at bnl.gov
Group Leader, PXRR: Macromolecular ^ (that's L
Crystallography Research Resource at NSLS not 1)
Biology Dept
Brookhaven Nat'l Lab. Phones:
Upton, NY 11973 631 344 3401 (Office)
U.S.A. 631 344 2741 (Facsimile)
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