[Neutron] Postdoc position in Biophysics and Neutron scattering

Robert M. Briber rbriber at umd.edu
Mon Mar 3 17:38:05 CET 2008

Postdoctoral Position in Biophysics, Neutron and X-ray Scattering

A postdoctoral position is available as part of a collaboration 
between the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the 
Institute of Physical Science and Technology at the University of 
Maryland; and the Department of Biophysics at the Johns Hopkins 
University.  The project involves the characterization of the 
structure and folding of RNA by x-ray and neutron scattering.  The 
position requires a self-motivated candidate with time spent at JHU 
and UMD.   Some experience with wet biochemistry and characterization 
using scattering is helpful.  The appointment would be at Johns 
Hopkins University. Please send a CV and names of 3 references by 
e-mail to Professor Sarah Woodson swoodson at jhu.edu and Professor R.M. 
Briber, rbriber at umd.edu.

Robert M. Briber, Professor and Chair
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
Room 2135, Chemical and Nucl Engineering Building (Bldg 90)
University of Maryland, College Park, MD  20742-2115
(301) 405-7313 (voice)    (301) 314-2029 (FAX)
rbriber at umd.edu

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