[Neutron] ICTMC16 conference announcement

Susan Schorr susan.schorr at hmi.de
Tue Mar 11 16:41:46 CET 2008

Dear colleague,

we are happy to announce the upcoming **International Conference of 
Ternary and Multinary Compounds**, ICTMC-16, which takes place in 
Berlin, Germany, from September 15-19, 2008.

The ICTMC-16 meeting continues the long tradition of 15 previous 
meetings, covering physics, chemistry, materials science, device 
engineering, growth and theory of ternary and multinary compounds.

The abstract submission will be open from March 1st until April 18th, 2008.
Please find all details on the conference at http://www.hmi.de/ICTMC-16/.

Yours, sincerely,
                                  Susan Schorr

Prof. Susan Schorr
- ICTMC16 conference chair -
Free University Berlin
Dep. Geosciences
phone: +49-30-80622317
e-mail: ICTMC16 at hmi.de

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