[Neutron] Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Neutron Scattering

Adrian Rennie Adrian.Rennie at fysik.uu.se
Thu Apr 3 21:17:34 CEST 2008

Dear Colleagues,

Uppsala University is recruiting to the position of Associate 
Professor/Senior Lecturer in Neutron Scattering (reference UFV-PA 
2008/433).  Full details are available on the WWW at:


The closing date for applications is 5 May 2008.

Please circulate this information to anybody that may be 
interested.  I will be happy to provide more background information 
if necessary.  This appointment is part of the University's plan for 
growth in areas of excellence and high potential.

Best regards,  Adrian Rennie

Professor Adrian R. Rennie
Dept. of Physics, Uppsala University
Box 530
751 21 Uppsala, Sweden

Tel. + 46 18 471 3596

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