[Neutron] PhD Studentship: SAS Investigations of Multiband Superconductors

Don Paul donpaul at sky.com
Fri Mar 13 13:00:57 CET 2009

PhD Studentship
Department of Physics

This 3.5 year studentship is available with a start date of October  
2009 and provides a tax-free EPSRC stipend, plus university fees at  
the Home/EU rate and travel funds.
This studentship is fully funded only for UK and EU students. The  
successful candidate should have a good degree in physics, or a  
closely related subject.
Multi-Band Superconductivity and High Pressure Studies of the Vortex  
Lattice in Type II Superconductors using Neutron Small Angle  
Scattering (SAS)

The project is to work on development of SAS investigations of the  
crystallography of the flux-line lattice in multi-band  
superconductors at ambient and high pressures (up to 10 GPa). The  
project is based on our previous studies of diffraction from the flux- 
line lattice in the mixed state of a range of superconducting  
materials with unusual superconducting ground states. This work has  
been essential in providing information on the symmetry of the  
superconducting state and various phase transitions of the vortex  
lattice for a range of
conventional and exotic superconductors.
The vast majority of unconventional (and even many conventional)  
superconductors have a multi-band character whose role is essential  
in determining their superconducting nature. Such work has never, to  
date, been performed under external hydrostatic pressure.
We have now identified a number of cases where small samples may be  
used and interesting results obtained for the limited constraints  
imposed by the low temperature, high pressure configurations.
Experimental work will be based both at Warwick as well as the  
Institut Laue Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France and other European  
Neutron sources.
To apply go to: go.warwick.ac.uk/pgapply
For informal enquiries or more information, please contact: Prof. Don  
McK Paul at
phrje at warwick.ac.uk
For further information on the Warwick Superconductivity and  
Magnetism Group,
please visit the site below
The Physics Department at Warwick is a top rated research department  
in the UK offering research programmes leading to PhD or MSc in the  
following fields:
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Theoretical and Computational Physics
Astrophysics, Astronomy, Plasmas and Fusion
Elementary Particle Physics
Medical and Biological Physics

Interested applicants should consult our web pages:
go.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/physics/research and


Professor Don McKenzie Paul                       tel:  024 76 523603
Department of Physics                                    fax: 024 76  
University of Warwick                                      email :   
phrje at warwick.ac.uk
Coventry CV4 7AL

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