[Neutron] REMINDER: September 15 - Registration deadline for PSI users meeting JUM at P 09

SINQ sinq at psi.ch
Wed Sep 2 17:29:47 CEST 2009

Please remember the approaching deadline (*** September 15 ***) for  
registration and submission of poster abstracts for the first Joint  
Users' Meeting (JUM at P '09) of the PSI user facilities SLS, SINQ and  

The meeting will be organized on October 12-13, 2009 at the Paul  
Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland.

Detailed information about the scientific program and online  
registration is available from the meeting website: http://user.web.psi.ch/jump09

With kind regards,
The JUM at P '09 organizing committee


Further information:

JUM at P '09 is a users for users meeting. In fact, both topics and  
speakers have been selected by the three user communities.

The aim of this Joint Users' Meeting is to bring together the three  
user communities and to generate synergies among the users driven by  
science rather than methods.

The meeting will consist of a plenary session, poster sessions and  
parallel scientific symposia on the following topics:

- Colloids and soft condensed matter
- Correlated electron systems
- Materials for environment and energy
- Imaging of biological and technical materials
- Advanced techniques at PSI large facilities
- From gene to structure: impact of automation technologies

In addition a PSI medal prize will be awarded for the best recent PhD  
thesis work based on experiments done at the PSI user facilities.

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