[Neutron] Postdoctoral Research Associates in SANS and Neutron Reflectometry Data Reduction and Analysis

Martin, Bob martinrg at ornl.gov
Fri Oct 16 15:50:41 CEST 2009

Postdoctoral Research Associates in SANS and Neutron Reflectometry Data Reduction and Analysis
Neutron Scattering Science Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Project Description:
The Neutron Scattering Sciences Division  (NSSD) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) (http://www.ornl.gov) operates two of the brightest neutron sources in the  world, the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and the High Flux Isotope Reactor  (HFIR), for basic and applied research in a broad array of disciplines  including physics, chemistry, materials science and biology. SNS and HFIR are  home to a group of scientists and a suite of instruments dedicated to the study  of large-scale structures. In addition to the General Purpose SANS and the Bio-SANS  at the HFIR, this endeavor includes the Extended Q-range SANS, the Liquids  Reflectometer and the Magnetism Reflectometer of the SNS.

NSSD has immediate openings for  postdoctoral research associates to become active participants in the  development and deployment of the next generation of data reduction and  analysis software at these flagship neutron scattering facilities. Postdoctoral  research associates involved in this project will work with the instrument  scientists to develop data reduction and analysis software that will enable  world-class science at SNS and HFIR. Successful applicants will be encouraged  to develop their own independent and collaborative research during the second  year of the effort, enabled by the reduction and analysis software developed.  The post represents an excellent opportunity for a young postdoctoral scientist  to develop his/her expertise, broaden his/her experience and interact with  leading scientists from around the world.

A Ph.D. completed within the last 5  years in physics, or physical chemistry is required. Previous experience in  either neutron or X-ray scattering, either using small-angle or reflectometry  methods, is required. Software development experience is also required, with a  preference being given to those with experience with C, C++, or other  high-level languages. Graphical user interface development is also desirable.  The candidate should be self-motivated, have good interpersonal, communication  and presentational skills and demonstrated ability to interact effectively with  staff at all levels within a multi-disciplinary team.

Applicants  cannot have received the most recent degree more than five years prior to the  date of application and must complete all degree requirements before starting  their appointment.

Technical Questions: (please respond with the requisition number)

 *   Dr. William Heller, Center for  Structural Molecular Biology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak  Ridge, TN 37831, and hellerwt at ornl.gov<file:///C:%5CDocuments%20and%20Settings%5Cparishb%5CDesktop%5CJob_Descriptions%5Chellerwt@ornl.gov>.
 *   Dr. Mark Hagen, Neutron Scattering  Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN  37831, and hagenme at ornl.gov<file:///C:%5CDocuments%20and%20Settings%5Cparishb%5CDesktop%5CJob_Descriptions%5Chagenme@ornl.gov>.

How to Apply:
  Qualified  applicants must apply online at https://www2.orau.gov/ORNL_POST/. All applicants will  need to register before they can begin the online application. For complete  instructions, on how to apply, please see the instructions at http://www.orau.gov/orise/edu/ornl/ornl-pdpm/application.htm.

This  appointment is offered through the ORNL Postgraduate Research Participation  Program and is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and  Education (ORISE). The program is open to all qualified U.S. and non-U.S.  citizens without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin,  physical or mental disability, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or disabled  veteran.

Bob Martin
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO BOX 2008 MS6478
Neutron Sciences Directorate Human Resources Team
Building 8600, MS 6478, Room C-458
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6478
(865) 241-2950
(865) 241-6660 (fax)
martinrg at sns.gov<mailto:martinrg at sns.gov>

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