[Neutron] Reminder to Register for Excitations Tutorial at ACNS 2010

Yamani, Zahra - NRC Zahra.Yamani at nrc.gc.ca
Fri May 14 19:27:48 CEST 2010

As you are making plans to attend the 2010 American Conference on
Neutron Scattering (http://cins.ca/acns2010/) in Ottawa, we would like
to bring to your attention the Excitations tutorial to be held on
Saturday, June 26


The tutorial will begin with J. Tranquada and C. Broholm presenting the
basic theory of inelastic scattering and magnetic inelastic scattering,
respectively, and will continue with lectures on commonly used neutron
scattering techniques in studying excitations,  including triple-axis
spectroscopy (Z. Yamani),  time of flight (K. Crawford), backscattering
(K. Herwig) and neutron spin-echo (J. Gardner). The tutorial will
culminate with lectures by B. Buyers and B. Gaulin demonstrating how
neutron scattering has been used to solve leading-edge science problems
in high temperature superconductors, heavy fermions, low dimensional
magnets and frustrated quantum magnets. 


The talks will be at a level appropriate for advanced Ph.D students and
neutron facility users who wish to increase their knowledge and
expertise in inelastic neutron scattering.  Admission to this tutorial
session is included with ACNS 2010 registration, however, seating is
limited to 50 attendees so register early! To reserve a space for this
tutorial, please contact Debbie Kriss (kriss at mrs.org).


Thank you,





Dr. Zahra Yamani 
National Research Council 
Canadian Neutron Beam Centre 
Chalk River Laboratories 
Room 139, Building 459, Station 18 
Chalk River, ON K0J 1J0 

E-mail: Zahra.Yamani at nrc.gc.ca 
Tel: (613) 584-8811 Ext. 43932 
Fax: (613) 584-4040



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