[Neutron] FPSchool-2012: announcement & application

Marie-Hélène Lemée-Cailleau lemee at ill.eu
Tue Nov 1 20:26:01 CET 2011

Dear Colleagues,

We draw your attention to the 5th Annual School on Advanced Neutron 
Diffraction Data Treatment using the FULLPROF suite to be held in 
Grenoble at the Institute Laue-Langevin from 23 to 27 January 2012. We 
invite you to visit our website hxxp://www.ill.fr/dif/FPSchool/ for more 
details and application.
Brief scientific scope of FPSchool - 2012:

FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment 
of X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The school is based on intensive 
hands-on sessions using the computer programs of theFullProf Suite. It 
will take place over 4 days with lectures in the morning and hands-on 
tutorials in the afternoon. The tutorials will give the essential tools 
necessary to use productively theFullProf Suite at an average level. In 
addition to general applications, magnetic structure determination and 
refinement will be specifically addressed. The number of participants is 
limited to 30.

Many thanks in advance for helping in the diffusion of this information.
Best regards,

The Organizing Committee

Gabriel CUELLO

FPSchool - 2012
5th ILL annual school on Advanced Neutron Diffraction Data
Treatement using the FULLPROF Suite
23-27 January 2012
ILL Grenoble, France.

Email:FPSchool at ill.eu

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