[Neutron] Call for Papers: MSE 2012 Symposium D4 - Thin film characterization with synchrotron radiation / X-rays and neutrons: small probes for big problems

Braun, Artur Artur.Braun at empa.ch
Sat Dec 31 02:08:05 CET 2011

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the Symposium D4:  "Thin film characterization with synchrotron radiation / X-rays and neutrons: small probes for big problems"
at the Materials Science & Engineering Meeting MSE 2012 in Darmstadt/Germany, September 2012.



I would appreciate if you could circulate this information among your peer. It would be very interesting to have in Darmstadt presentations on thin film characterization with x-rays and neutrons.

Best regards and have a Happy New Year

Artur Braun

Dr. Artur BRAUN, Physicist, Marie Curie Fellow
Group Leader Ceramic Energy Materials<http://www.empa.ch/plugin/template/empa/613/*/---/l=1>
Laboratory for High Performance Ceramics
Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Überlandstrasse 129
CH - 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland

Phone:  +41 (0) 58 765 4850
Fax:       +41 (0) 58 765 4150
Mobile: +41 (0) 79 849 6183

Topical Editor "Energy Materials"  Current Applied Physics<http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/621284/description#description>

Call for Papers:   MSE 2012 in Darmstadt September 2012: Symposium D4 on Thin Film Metrology<http://www.dgm.de/dgm/mse-congress/>

Progress in artificial photosynthesis for solar hydrogen generation and water splitting<http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adfm.201101830/suppinfo>
New Empa-Basel-Argonne Lab paper
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"Work. Finish. Publish." (Michael Faraday)

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