[Neutron] Post Doc Postion at University of Bristol

Stephen Hayden S.Hayden at bristol.ac.uk
Wed Jan 18 12:52:44 CET 2012

Post Doctorial Research Assistant: Electron Nematic Phases

University of Bristol, UK

A three year fixed term position is available to investigate the
relationship between spin fluctuations and the anisotropic electron
nematic phases recently discovered in iron-based superconductors and
layered d-band metal oxides. The project will involve inelastic neutron
and x-ray scattering experiments performed at international facilities
(e.g. UK, France, Switzerland) together with low temperature transport
and magnetic measurements performed in Bristol. 

Closing date for applications 9:00am 10 Feb 2012. 

Apply online at www.bris.ac.uk/boris/jobs/feeds/ads?ID=106871. 

Further details from Prof. Stephen Hayden (s.hayden at bris.ac.uk). 

Prof. S. M. Hayden       Office:    0117 9288715
H. H. Wills Physics Lab. Lab:       0117 9288790     
University of Bristol    Fax:       0117 9255624                       
Tyndall Ave.             Secretary: 0117 9288731
Bristol, BS8 1TL, UK     E-mail:    s.hayden at bris.ac.uk

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