[Neutron] The NSSA announces its new 2012 Fellows

Fernandez-Baca, Jaime A. fernandezbja at ornl.gov
Mon Feb 6 23:25:27 CET 2012

The Neutron Scattering Society of America is pleased to announce the selection of its new 2012 NSSA Fellows.  Please join us in congratulating our new Fellows:

Dr. Julie Borchers (NIST)

For insightful neutron investigations of magnetic materials, particularly interlayer exchange interactions phenomena in magnetic thin films and superlattices.

Prof. Robert Cava (Princeton University)

For outstanding applications of neutron diffraction to the understanding of complex materials, and advocacy for the field particularly among young scientists.

Dr. Charles Glinka (University of Delaware and NIST)

For development and operation of world-class capabilities for small angle neutron scattering in America.

Prof. Eric Kaler (University of Minnesota)

For enormous contributions to the science of soft matter and mentoring of young scientists in scattering science.

Dr. Roger Pynn (University of Indiana)

For outstanding contributions to neutron scattering instrumentation and research, and for service to the U.S. neutron community.

Dr. Steven Shapiro (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

For influential studies of phonons and phase transitions, as well as for contributions to the neutron scattering community

Dr. Gregory Smith (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

For pioneering neutron scattering investigations of soft-condensed matter systems.

Prof. Haskell Taub (University of Missouri)

For sustained studies of the structure, phase transitions, and dynamics of adsorbed films using neutron scattering techniques and for training of a future generation of neutron scattering scientists and engineers.

Prof. Samuel Werner (NIST and University of Missouri)
For elegant neutron experiments contributing to the understanding of quantum physics and for his sustained efforts to promote neutron science.

Jaime A. Fernandez-Baca
Membership Secretary
Neutron Scattering Society of America

Leader, Triple Axis Spectroscopy Group
Quantum Condensed Matter  Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P. O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6393
Phone 865-576-8659
FAX      865-574-6268

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