[Neutron] BIONEUTRON 2012: special issue of Chemical Physics and abstract deadline

smagazu at unime.it smagazu at unime.it
Sun May 6 10:54:43 CEST 2012

Neutron Scattering Highlights on Water and Biological Systems 

It is a great pleasure to inform you that the papers related to the oral and poster contributions to Bioneutron 2012 will be published in a special issue of Chemical Physics. The Guest Editors will be Hans Frauenfelder and Salvatore Magazù.   

Please send the abstract of your oral and/or poster presentation following the abstract template you can find in the Bioneutron 2012 website. 

The deadline for the abstract submission has been postponed to 11 th May. 

Best regards, 

Salvatore Magazù and Federica Migliardo 


Prof. Salvatore Magazù 
Full Professor of Experimental Physics 
Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università di Messina 
Viale Ferdinando Stagno D'Alcontres n°31, S. Agata, 
P.O. Box: 55 
98166 Messina 
Phone: +39 090 6765025 
Fax: +39 090 395004 
Skype:  s_magazu 

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