[Neutron] Workshop on applications of neutron and synchrotron scattering techniques to characterize nuclear materials

Sven Vogel sven at lanl.gov
Fri Aug 17 21:46:08 CEST 2012


 we would like to bring to your attention a workshop held from October 17th to 
19th at UC Berkeley focusing on applications of neutron and synchrotron 
scattering techniques to characterize nuclear materials. We invite you to 
submit an abstract to peterh at berkeley.edu directly.  Also, students are 
particular invited with funding for student support on a first come first 
serve basis.  A student and young scientist poster session will be held.

For more details see the website http://scatter.nuc.berkeley.edu/. Please 
distribute as you see fit.

D. Brown, P. Hosemann, S. Vogel

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