[Neutron] French neutron scattering training : "Fan du LLB", november 26-29

MENELLE Alain alain.menelle at cea.fr
Sun Sep 30 12:55:49 CEST 2012

Dear Colleagues,

Only one week left to register !

The next French neutron scattering training, the "FAN du LLB 2012" will take place on November 26-29th 2012 in the LLB at Saclay near Paris. They consist in trainings devoted to young researchers interested in the use of neutron scattering for the study of condensed matter.

Deadline for registration : October 7th 2012.

See : http://www-llb.cea.fr/fan

!! Be careful these trainings are fully delivered in French language !!

We benefit from a NMI3<http://nmi3.eu/> support which enables us to take in consideration  registrations coming from non-French European laboratories.

Alain Menelle

Alain MENELLE, Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (UMR12, CEA-CNRS)

CEA Saclay, bât.563, p.219, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France

Tel : +33-1-69-08-96-99

Fax : +33-1-69-08-82-61

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