[Neutron] Inside NMI3 11: Detectors, schools, CFP and more

Ines Crespo Ines.Crespo at frm2.tum.de
Mon Feb 3 15:02:26 CET 2014

Dear colleagues,

Our 11th Inside NMI3 e-newsletter is now online at 
http://nmi3.eu/newsletter/inside-nmi3-11.html .
You can find news on:

- the Detectors JRA
- NMI3 schools: call for registration, new webpage and resources
- MLZ call for proposals
- new link on Women in Science

We hope you enjoy your reading,
The NMI3 coordination team
Inês Crespo NMI3
Information Manager
Phone: +49 (0)89 289 14615
NMI3 is on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube:
Also coordinating http://neutronsources.org

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