[Neutron] The 3rd circular: The abstract submission deadline is approaching!!

shibata.kaoru shibata.kaoru at jaea.go.jp
Fri May 2 03:40:42 CEST 2014

Dear all,

The abstract submission deadline of J-PARC 2014 is approaching! The
submission system will be closed at 11:59 pm (JST) on May 7.

Not only the fruitful outcomes from each J-PARC facility but also all
exciting results of cutting edge studies on the related science fields are

Please visit
<http://j-parc.jp/symposium/j-parc2014/registration.html#abstract> the
symposium web site for submission now!

Best regards,

Yujiro Ikeda

Chair of the Organizing Committee

Symposium Website URL:

"Themes of Parallel Sessions"
Accelerator Physics
Particle and Nuclear Physics
Strangeness Nuclear Physics 
Hadron Physics
Neutrino Physics
Kaon Physics
Fundamental Physics with Muon
Fundamental Physics with Neutron 
Materials and Life Science
Materials Science and Engineering 
Energy Science 
Soft Matter、Biomaterials and Liquids 
Magnetism and Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 
Industrial Applications 
Frontier Science  
Nuclear Transmutation

Safety & Advanced Technology for Intensity Frontier
Detector, Targetry, and Cryogenic Apparatus

"Plenary Speakers"
Plenary Ⅰ
Hitoshi Murayama, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the
University of Tokyo, Japan
Sadamichi Maekawa, Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy
Agency, Japan
Plenary Ⅱ
Marc Schyns, SCK-CEN Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
Tadashi Koseki, Accelerator Division of J-PARC Center, Japan

Plenary III
Masatoshi Futakawa: MLF Division of J-PARC Center, Japan
Rob McQueeney (ORNL, USA)

Plenary Ⅳ
Ken Anderson, European Spallation Source, Sweden
Klaus Kirch, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
Takehiko Saito, GSI, Germany 

Plenary Ⅴ
Shoji Nagamiya, RIKEN, Japan
Jean-Michel Poutissou, TRIUMF, Canada 
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