[Neutron] New version of SasView

stephen.king at stfc.ac.uk stephen.king at stfc.ac.uk
Fri May 23 11:04:09 CEST 2014

NOW AVAILABLE!  SasView v3.0.0


We are pleased to announce that v3.0.0 of the popular SasView model-fitting software has just been released for Windows (32 bit), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64 bit) and Mac OSX. An unsupported Ubuntu build is also available.

Key improvements in this release include:

-          A refactored GUI now featuring free-floating (ie, un-tiled) windows

-          Five new models

-          New and improved support for ILL and CanSAS1D (SASXML) data files

-          A number of minor enhancements and bug fixes

New in this release FOR BETA TESTING are:

-          Support for magnetic scattering contrast within selected models

-          A generic scattering calculator

-          An image viewer/converter

We hope you like it!

Kind regards,
The SasView Development Team

** If you are interested in joining the development team please contact us via the website **

** A Code Camp will be hosted by the ESS in Copenhagen in early 2015 **

Scanned by iCritical.

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