[Neutron] MRS-14-TT: Neutrons & X-Rays in the Year of Crystallography ...

mrs mrs at freeshell.de
Sun Jun 15 04:11:37 CEST 2014


2014 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit - Symposium TT:
Advanced Materials Exploration with Neutrons and Synchrotron X-Rays
State-of-the-Art in the International Year of Crystallography

Please submit your abstract now at

Anno 2014 marks the United Nation's International Year of Crystallography, a discipline on which is based the analysis of materials by neutron and x-ray diffraction. Since discovery of the latter by Laue and the Bragg's, over a centenary ago, the method excels and still evolves with the up-come of most modern sources. Recently x-ray free-electron lasers became available, high-energy synchrotrons are being refurbished, neutron reactors built and spallation sources driven to new scales; while future facilities, as energy-recovery linacs have been technically designed. Hand-in-hand with achievements in detector development, instrumentation and computing power, these installations continuously drive into new possibilities for materials analysis. The present symposium shall expose those latest developments for the materials science applications, demonstrating both pioneering experiments and well established methods. Modern diffraction methods of synchrotron and neutron radiation, combined simultaneously with time resolved or imaging techniques allow a multi-dimensional insight into materials. Thus information from an ensemble of individual grains in a polycrystalline material, time resolved in-situ investigations can be obtained from materials undergoing mechanical, chemical or electric load under working or extreme conditions. Last but not least, coherent-beam diffraction opens new aspects of data acquisition and analysis in both spectroscopic and space resolved domains.

Contributions are sought in the fields of metallurgy and materials forming; energy materials in realistic conditions; response of functional materials under parametric load; materials under extreme or exotic conditions. Particularly contributions using an innovative approach in their application or from the novel upcoming facilities with unprecedented possibilities are desired.

The methods shall cover time and lengths scales from sub-picoseconds to days and sub-angstrom to meters, respectively.


Topics will include:

In-Situ Processes  

    Time resolved
    Complex environments
    Extreme conditions

Single Grain Resolved Studies  

    Embedded grain characterization
    Grain statistics
    Orientation relationships

Strain Scanning  

    Strains and residual stresses
    Multiple length scales
    Grain resolved strain


    Three-dimensional reciprocal space mapping
    Texture evolution
    Local texture

Liquid, Amorphous, Nanocrystalline and Distorted Materials  

    Pair distribution function
    Diffuse scattering
    Phase transformations
    Local structure

Materials Imaging / Tomography  

    Real time imaging
    High resolution tomography
    Combined diffraction tomography

Exotic and Novel Experimental Developments  

    Coherent beam diffraction
    Fourier reconstruction
    X-ray photo-correlation spectroscopy
    Ultrafast processes
    The future arrived: X-ray free electron lasers


A tutorial complementing this symposium is tentatively planned. Further information will be included in the MRS Program that will be available online in September.


Invited speakers include:

Joel D. Brock (Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source), Timothy Fawcett (International Centre for Diffraction Data ICDD), Michi Furusaka  (University of Hokkaido, Japan), Bjoem Hannsson  (Excillum, Kista, Sweden), Jan Ilavsky  (Argonne National Lab), Kazuhisa Kakurai (Quantum Beam Science Directorate, JAEA, Japan), Oliver   Kirstein (European Spallation Source ESS, Europe), Uwe Klemradt  (RWTH Aachen, Germany), Kazutaka G.   Nakamura  (Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan), I. Cevdet Noyan (Columbia Univ.), Anthony D. Rollett (Carnegie Mellon Univ.), Tomokazu Sano (Osaka Univ., Japan), Jay Schuren (Air Force Research Lab, Wright-Patterson AFB), Makina Yabashi  (RIKEN Spring-8 Center, Japan), Richard Welberry  (Australian National Univ., Australia), Phil Withers  (Univ. of Manchester, United Kingdom), Richard Yetter (Penn State Univ.).


Symposium Organizers:

Klaus-Dieter Liss
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization
Tel 61-2-9717-9479, kdl at ansto.gov.au, liss at kdliss.de  

Rozaliay Barabash
University of Tennesse
Oak Ridge National Lab
Tel 865-241-7230, barabashr at ornl.gov  

Ulrich Lienert
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron
Tel 409-40-8998-3165, ulrich.lienert at desy.de  

Masato Ohnuma
Hokkaido University
Laboratory of Quantum Beam System Engineering
Tel 81-011-706-7896, ohnuma.masato at eng.hokudai.ac.jp  


We are looking forward to seeing you

The Organizers.

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