[Neutron] J-PARC MLF 2015A Call for Proposals

J-PARC MLF international at cross.or.jp
Fri Oct 10 07:47:50 CEST 2014

    Announcement of the J-PARC MLF 2015A General Use Proposal Round


      Call for Proposals

J-PARC MLF and CROSS are pleased to announce that the 2015A General Use
proposal round will be open from *_Friday 17 October 2014_*.

Researchers wishing to conduct experiments on any of the MLF neutron or
muon beamlines during 2015A (April - November 2015) are invited to
submit proposals via the J-PARC Proposal Submission System
<https://jpms.j-parc.jp/j-pas/> by the deadl*ine below:*

*2015A General Use Proposal Submission Deadline*

*17:00 (JST) Friday 7 November 2014*

Instruments available in 2015A at a glance...*

*Neutron Diffraction*

*BL03 /iBIX/*- Single crystal structural analysis

*BL08 /SuperHRPD/*- High-resolution powder diffraction

*BL11 /PLANET/*- Structural analysis of materials under high pressure

*BL18 /SENJU/*- Extreme environment single crystal diffraction

*BL19 /TAKUMI/*- Structural analysis of engineering materials

*BL20 /iMATERIA/*- Materials science powder diffraction

*BL21 /NOVA/*- High flux total scattering

*Neutron Spectroscopy*

*BL01 /4SEASONS/*- High flux chopper spectrometer

*BL02 /DNA/*- Back-scattering spectrometer

*BL12 /HRC/*-High-resolution chopper spectrometer

*BL14 /AMATERAS/*- Cold neutron disc-chopper spectrometer


*Nano-structure Science (SANS & reflectometry)*

*BL15 /TAIKAN/ *- Small and wide angle neutron scattering

*BL16 /SOFIA/*- Horizontal geometry reflectometer

*BL17 /SHARAKU/*- Polarized neutron reflectometer (vertical geometry)

*Other Neutron Instruments*

*BL04 /ANNRI/*- Neutron-nucleus reaction measurements

*BL05 /NOP/*- Neutron optics and fundamental physics

*BL10 /NOBORU/*- Neutron R&D

*BL22 /RADEN/*- Energy-dispersive neutron imaging

*Muon Spectroscopy*

*/D1/*- General purpose ?SR spectrometer

*/D2/*- Muon spectrometer for fundamental science

For technical information and beamline contacts, please see...

  * Neutron instruments
  * Muon instruments

For more information about applying for beamtime at the MLF, please see
the Call for Proposals
<http://j-parc.jp/researcher/MatLife/en/applying/koubo.html> page or...

    Contact us

J-PARC Center Users Office <http://is.j-parc.jp/uo/index_e.html>
IBARAKI Quantum Beam Research Center, 162-1 Shirakata, Tokai-mura,
Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1106, Japan
T : +81-29-284-3398 <tel:%2B81-29-284-3398>
F : +81-29-284-3286 <tel:%2B81-29-284-3286>
E : j_proposal at ml.j-parc.jp <mailto:j_proposal at ml.j-parc.jp>



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