[Neutron] Neutronsources.org: gas storage, DNA, prizes, projects, CFP, events, jobs and much more!

Ines Crespo Ines.Crespo at frm2.tum.de
Mon May 18 18:02:10 CEST 2015

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to the world's neutron sources press officers there is new 
material on Neutronsources.org. We hope you enjoy it!

**Scientific highlights* 
** Neutrons unveil a promising alternative for natural gas storage and 
transportation here
How to optimise multi-channel neutron focusing guides for extreme sample 
environments? here
Effects of Hfq on the conformation and compaction of DNA here 

*Projects and awards* 
* Call for nominations for the 7th Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize here 
* Dr. Edwin Fohtung Named Los Alamos Neutron Science Center 2015 Rosen 
Scholar here 
* The Science for Life meeting here 
* SpinWaveGenie v0.1.1 is now available here 
* SINE2020 - New neutron project approved by the European Commission 

*News from the Neutron Centers* 
* Building the Heart of ESS in Spain here 
* Baton change at the MLZ here 
* New video "ESS – the world’s most powerful neutron source for 
research" here 
* 10 years ago: the first user at the FRM II here 
* Uncertainties on the future of the French neutron source LLB-Orphée 
* Stage is Set for ESS Linac Test in Uppsala here 
* Dates announced for the MATRAC school here 
* Discoveries that changed the world here 
*Calendar* http://neutronsources.org/calendar.html
* 14 - 18 September, HSC18: Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for 
Magnetism <http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=158&eventid=617>
* 22 - 24 June, Structure and Dynamics of Polymer Nanocomposites 
* 13 - 18 September, 26th International Conference on Amorphous and 
Nanocrystalline Semiconductors 
* 28 June - 3 July, Gordon Research Conference Topological & Correlated 
Matter - Advances in Topological Phases of Matter in Crystalline Solids 
and Cold Atom Systems
* 3 - 7 August, 5th School on Representational Analysis and Magnetic 
* 17 - 26 August, Neutron Scattering Applications to Hydrogen Storage 
Materials <http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=158&eventid=627>
* 22 - 29 August, RACIRI Summer School 2015 
* 23 - 28 August, Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity 
* 6 - 12 September, manuSciences '15 
* 21 - 25 September, MATRAC 1 - Summer School 2015 
* 14 - 16 October, Final NMI3-II General Assembly and SINE2020 kick-off 
meeting <http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=158&eventid=624>
* 9 - 13 November, XVI International Feofilov Symposium (IFS'XVI) 
* 7 - 10 December, Fan du LLB 

*Jobs *http://neutronsources.org/home/jobs.html
* 2 positions: BL4A Magnetism Reflectometer Instrument Scientist
* Low-Level Radio Frequency Engineer
* Instrument Scientist for Single-Crystal/Powder Neutron Diffraction
* Mechanical Engineer
* Scientific Software Developer, ESS Data Management & Software Centre
* Supervisory Facility Operations Specialist
_CHESS_ (Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source)
* “Complex Electronic Materials” Postdoctoral Position

*Calls for proposals / submissions* 
* Lansce WNR: Proposal Submission Deadline - 15 May
* PSI-SINQ, Operating time: September 1 - December 23
                      Proposal Submission Deadline - 15 May

Have you got interesting material you'd like us to promote on the 
website? Drop us an email: news at neutronsources.org.

Best regards,


Inês Crespo
NMI3 Information Manager
Phone: +49 (0)89 289 14615

NMI3 is on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube:
Also coordinating http://neutronsources.org

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