2015 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jan 6 14:41:44 CET 2015
Ending: Wed Dec 23 17:07:35 CET 2015
Messages: 288
- [Neutron] Job Offer: Postdoctoral Position at PSI
Bartkowiak Marek (PSI)
- [Neutron] Job Opening at PSI
Koennecke Mark (PSI)
- [Neutron] 2015 PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research - registration now open
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Paul Scherrer Institute - Open position in neutron scattering: Lead project scientist
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] PSI-SINQ cycle II/15: Call for Proposals
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] SINQ call for proposals II/15: Reminder and deadline extension
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] 2015 PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research - registration deadline: June 30 !
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Open Position for a PhD student (Experimental Physics) at PSI / LNS
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Open position for a "Senior Scientist and Group Leader - Neutron Diffraction Group" at PSI / LNS / SINQ
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] PSI open position for a "Beamline Scientist / Project Leader" - for the ODIN neutron imaging station at the European Spallation Source (ESS)
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] PSI-SINQ cycle I/16: Call for Proposals
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Reminder: PSI-SINQ cycle I/16: Call for Proposals
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] PSI open position for a "Scientist for the Neutron Diffraction Group" at the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging LNS/PSI
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] PSI open positions for "Two PhD Students" at the Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging LNS/PSI
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] 13 to 17 September 2015: 35th DyProSo - 2nd call
Dyproso 2015
- [Neutron] DyProSo 2015 - submission of abstracts until 13 May 2015
Dyproso 2015
- [Neutron] DyProSo 2015 (13 - 17 September 2015) - Early registration expiring soon
Dyproso 2015
- [Neutron] ORNL 2015-B neutron scattering proposal call: updated information for the Quantum Condensed Matter instruments at the HFIR
Aczel, Adam A.
- [Neutron] ORNL 2016-A neutron scattering proposal call: updated information for the Quantum Condensed Matter instruments at the HFIR
Aczel, Adam A.
- [Neutron] European Introductory Schools - call for proposals
Len Adél
- [Neutron] Beam time request at the LLB : May 1st 2015
- [Neutron] Beam time request at the LLB : May 1st 2015
- [Neutron] Beam time request at the LLB : May 1st 2015
- [Neutron] Uncertainties on the future of the French neutron source LLB-Orphée
- [Neutron] LLB call for proposals : deadline October 1st 2015
- [Neutron] LLB call for proposals : deadline October 1st 2015
- [Neutron] Scientific Software Developer for Data Analysis and Modelling to ESS in Lund, Sweden
Kristina Anderberg
- [Neutron] Scientific Software Developer - Data Aggregation to ESS in Copenhagen, Denmark
Kristina Anderberg
- [Neutron] Scientific Software Developer - Event Processing to ESS in Copenhagen, Denmark
Kristina Anderberg
- [Neutron] Scientific Software Developer - Fast Sample Environment to ESS in Copenhagen, Denmark
Kristina Anderberg
- [Neutron] Deuteration Chemist to ESS
Kristina Anderberg
- [Neutron] Neutron Scattering Systems Integration Engineer to ESS
Kristina Anderberg
- [Neutron] Neutron Scattering Systems Construction Engineer to ESS
Kristina Anderberg
- [Neutron] Postdoc at the Materials Physics Center in San Sebastian (Spain)
Arantxa Arbe
- [Neutron] Project engineer (m/f) in the field of electrical engineering for scientific technical instrumentation
Nikolas Arend
- [Neutron] Inelastic neutron scattering school 22-27 November 2015 at ANSTO (abstract deadline 31 July) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Director for Neutron Scattering Facilities to ESS in Lund, Sweden
Kristina Bacos
- [Neutron] Mechatronics Engineer to the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden
Kristina Bacos
- [Neutron] PhD in Accelerator Physics at the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden
Kristina Bacos
- [Neutron] Production Technician to European Spallation Source (ESS)
Kristina Bacos
- [Neutron] Postdoc position in Neutron Detection
Kristina Bacos
- [Neutron] Scientific Software Developer to ESS Data Management & Software Centre in Copenhagen
Kristina Bacos
- [Neutron] Mechanical Engineer to European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden
Kristina Bacos
- [Neutron] Electronics Technician to ESS in Lund, Sweden
Kristina Bacos
- [Neutron] Call for proposals: Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
Banks, Daniel - CNBC
- [Neutron] Call for proposals: Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
Banks, Daniel - CNBC
- [Neutron] Register now for the SNS Second Target Station Workshop at ORNL
Bethea, Katie L.
- [Neutron] Fifth Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on ESS Science: Condensed Matter Theory and Advanced Software
Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
- [Neutron] INVITATION: Fifth Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on ESS Science: Condensed Matter Theory and Advanced Software
Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
- [Neutron] Final invitation: Fifth Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on ESS Science
Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
- [Neutron] Postdoc Positions in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics at Johns Hopkins University: https://apply.interfolio.com/28971
Collin Broholm
- [Neutron] Open position at NIST Center for Neutron Research
Brown, Craig
- [Neutron] 17th Annual National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering - Reminder
Chakoumakos, Bryan C.
- [Neutron] Open position: Instrument Scientist for Single-Crystal/Powder Neutron Diffraction
Chakoumakos, Bryan C.
- [Neutron] SAS 2015 and IUCr - Guinier Prize - Call for nominees
Daniel Clemens
- [Neutron] Call for bids to host SAS 2021
Daniel Clemens
- [Neutron] SAS-2015: Opening of registration and call for abstracts
Daniel Clemens
- [Neutron] 3rd International GISAS Conference (GISAS 2015): Opening of registration and call for abstracts
Daniel Clemens
- [Neutron] REMINDER: SAS2015 abstract submission deadline is approaching
Daniel Clemens
- [Neutron] SAS2015: Extension of abstract submission deadline
Daniel Clemens
- [Neutron] REMINDER: SAS2015 abstract submission deadline is approaching
Daniel Clemens
- [Neutron] SAS2015: Early bird registration and bid for conference venue in 2021
Daniel Clemens
- [Neutron] SAS2015: programme online, Kratky prize, lunch time session on industry relation, Kratky award, and still time to register
Daniel Clemens
- [Neutron] REMINDER: Call for bids to host SAS2021
Daniel Clemens
- [Neutron] Inside NMI3 21: straight train rails, from ash to eco-friendly, events and much more
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Neutronsources.org: gummy bears, corks, train rails, conferences, schools, cfp and many job openings
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Inside NMI3 22: Egyptian statuettes, Industry&Research, schools and much more!
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Neutronsources.org: Egyptian statuettes, a lower enriched fuel, BornAgain, jobs and a lot more
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] REMINDER: Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures - Deadline approaching
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Inside NMI3 23: leaves, teeth, CFP and much more!
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] REMINDER: Public Awareness of Research Infrastructure - registration and programme
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Neutronsources.org: gas storage, DNA, prizes, projects, CFP, events, jobs and much more!
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Neutronsources.org: monuments, turbines, tiny samples, prizes, jobs, open access, CFP and much more!
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] New ENSA Brochure on "Neutrons for science and technology"
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Neutronsources.org: more accurate neutron measurements, forensic techniques, batteries, open access, jobs, events, and much more!
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Save the date: Egami symposium on October 2-3, 2015
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Postdoc Position
Karen Diederichsen
- [Neutron] Vacancy announcement at the NIST Center for Neutron Research
Dimeo, Robert M
- [Neutron] PhD and PostDoc positions for neutron reflectometry studies of antifouling polymeric coatings
Thomas Ederth
- [Neutron] FW: Abstract submission due 9/18 - 2015 SNS/HFIR User Meeting
Edwards, Laura Morris
- [Neutron] Abstract Deadline EXTENDED to September 25 – SHUG User Meeting
Edwards, Laura Morris
- [Neutron] Reminder: Registration closes October 9 for the 2015 SNS/HFIR User Meeting
Edwards, Laura Morris
- [Neutron] Final Reminder: 2016A Call for ORNL Neutron Sciences User Proposals at HFIR and SNS
Edwards, Laura Morris
- [Neutron] PhD position for water neutron moderator studies and 2 work placements at ILL
Emmanuel FARHI
- [Neutron] DENIM2015-Budapest, 7-9 September 2015
Margit Fabian
- [Neutron] Post-doc opportunity in polymer nanocomposites at the NIST CNR
Faraone, Antonio
- [Neutron] ISMC 2016 - First announcement
Giovanna Fragneto
- [Neutron] Scattering Workshop (Geelong, Australia) 11-13 February 2015 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Employment Opportunities in Sydney, Australia
Jason Gardner
- [Neutron] EXTENDED deadline: Instrument Scientist on the Cold Triple Axis
Jason Gardner
- [Neutron] EXTENDED deadline for instrument scientist at ANSTO
Jason Gardner
- [Neutron] SANS job at ANSTO, Sydney. EXTENDED DEADLINE
Jason Gardner
- [Neutron] ESS Symposium on Crystallography for Soft Matter
Christopher Garvey
- [Neutron] ESS Symposium on Crystallography for Soft Matter (with correct link_
Christopher Garvey
- [Neutron] Announcement: Current Frontiers on Liquid-Liquid Interfaces Workshop
Yuri Gerelli
- [Neutron] Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH - Director
Goettert, Eileen
- [Neutron] Federal Post‐Doctoral Fellowship Opening: Joint project between MedImmune & NIST
Kushol Gupta
- [Neutron] Announcement: Workshop on Industrial Research using Synchrotron and Neutron Methods, Feb. 19 2015, HZB, Berlin, Germany
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Save the date: PNCMI-2016, July 4-7, 2016, Munich, Germany
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Hercules Specialized Course on Magnetism, 14-18 Sept. 2015
- [Neutron] Hercules Specialized Course on Magnetism, 14-18 Sept. 2015
- [Neutron] SpinWaveGenie v0.1.1
Hahn, Steven E.
- [Neutron] PhD position at the Helmholtz Center Berlin for Materials and Energy
Marie Haltod
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Position at the Helmholtz Center Berlin for Materials and Energy
Marie Haltod
- [Neutron] Neutron Detection
Kerry Herbert
- [Neutron] Sample Environment Position at NCNR
Hernandez, Yamali
- [Neutron] 2015 CHRNS Summer School
Hernandez, Yamali
- [Neutron] 2015 CHRNS Summer School
Hernandez, Yamali
Hernandez, Yamali
Hernandez, Yamali
- [Neutron] Job Posting: Sample Environment Associate
Hernandez, Yamali
Hoell, Armin
- [Neutron] Registration for Second Target Station (STS) Workshop is now open
Holder, Talia M.
- [Neutron] REMINDER-Registration for Second Target Station (STS) Workshop closes Friday, October 9, 2015
Holder, Talia M.
- [Neutron] Announcement MLZ Conference "Neutrons for Energy"
Holderer, Olaf
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Industrial Liaison Officer at ILL - (ref 15/12)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 15/18)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - Ref 15/19
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Postdoctoral Fellow at ILL - (ref 15/20)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for 3 SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPPERS at ILL - (ref 15/22)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] PhD/postdoc positions in neutron scattering on energy relevant oxides
Maths Karlsson
- [Neutron] Postdoc position in neutron scattering on energy relevant materials
Maths Karlsson
- [Neutron] Announcement for 3-day Rietveld school
Khalifah, Peter
- [Neutron] Open position at the MIT Nuclear Research Reactor: Director of Reactor Operations
Boris Khaykovich
- [Neutron] Opening for PhD position: In-situ neutron reflectometry studies on thin magnetic layers and heterostructures
Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner
- [Neutron] Abstracts and Registration for the JDN23
- [Neutron] 36th Berlin School on Neutron Scattering (25th February to 4th March 2016)
Lake, Bella
- [Neutron] FW: Sad notice
Langan, Paul
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Associate Professor in Neutron Scattering, Niels Bohr Instutute, University of Copenhagen
Kim Lefmann
- [Neutron] open post-doc position at the University of Minnesota
Chris Leighton
- [Neutron] ORNL: Division Administrative Assistant-NB50468442
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Macromolecular Software Scientist-NB50468984
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Division Director, Biology and Soft Matter-NB50469141
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: (Two) Postdoctoral Research Associates - Small and Wide Angle Neutron Scattering, Bio System or Soft Matter / NB50469295
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Radio-Frequency (RF) Engineer / NB50469940
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Biological Small-Angle Scattering / NB50471104
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Neutron Scattering Studies of Large-Scale Structures in QCM / NB50472060
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Low-Level Radio Frequency Engineer / NB50472245
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: GP-SANS Senior Instrument Scientist / NB50472607
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Neutron Total Scattering Studies of Catalytic Materials / NB50474976
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Facilities Mechanical Engineer / NB50476981
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate, High Pressure Inelastic Neutron Scattering - Hydrogen Containing Materials
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Low-Level Radio Frequency Engineer
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: (Senior) BL4A Magnetism Reflectometer Instrument Scientist / NB50489170
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: BL4A Magnetism Reflectometer Instrument Scientist / NB50489196
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Neutron Total Scattering and Nanostructured Materials / NB50491882
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Chemical and Engineering Materials Division Diffraction Scientist / NB50494306
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Scientific Associate / NB50508797
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: UPDATED Scientific Associate / NB50508797
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate In In-situ Neutron Diffraction of Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials / NB50510860
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Scientific Associate / NB50512224
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Mesoscale Magnetic Materials / NB50513095
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Designing and Controlling Mesoscale Order / NB50513002
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: BASIS Instrument Scientist / NB50513696
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Organic Spintronics with Neutron Scattering / NB50516385
Levesque, Cerissa J.
- [Neutron] VITESS 3.3 released
Lieutenant, Klaus
- [Neutron] AOCNS-2015 - registration now open
Christopher Ling
- [Neutron] Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering (AOCNS-2015)
Christopher Ling
- [Neutron] AOCNS-2015 - Extended abstract submission deadline
Christopher Ling
- [Neutron] Call for papers in [Metals] Special Issue "Metals Challenged by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation"--(Covered by Web of Science) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Klaus-Dieter Liss
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2 years at IFE, Norway
Isabel Jansa Llamas
- [Neutron] Benno Schoenborn wins Bau Neutron Award his pioneering research at the Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center (LANSCE).
Llobet Megias, Anna
- [Neutron] Request: Nominations for Focus Topic "Magnetic entanglement and complex magnetic materials" at the 2016 American Crystallographic Association Meeting in Denver (CO).
Llobet Megias, Anna
- [Neutron] LANSCE User Group Meeting November 2-3, 2015 at the La Posada Hotel in Santa Fe, NM
Llobet Megias, Anna
- [Neutron] Research Scientist position at the University of Virginia
Despina Louca
- [Neutron] Registration for the Workshop is now open
Despina Louca
- [Neutron] Reminder: Registration for the Workshop and hotel deadline
Despina Louca
- [Neutron] Registration for the Egami Workshop is closing soon
Despina Louca
- [Neutron] Deadline extension (Dec. 8th): Call for Nominations for NSSA Prizes and Fellows
Lumsden, Mark D.
- [Neutron] NCNR Thermal Triple Axis Instrument Scientist Position
Lynn, Jeffrey W
- [Neutron] [ECNS-2015] ECNS2015 - 2 Days left to submit your Abstract! Deadline on 15th March
Emma Lythgoe
- [Neutron] VI EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON NEUTRON SCATTERING 2015 - Deadline for abstract poster submission: Now 25th May 2015
Emma Lythgoe
- [Neutron] [ECNS-2015] 6th European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS 2015) - Correction!
Emma Lythgoe
- [Neutron] J-PARC MLF 2015B Call for Proposals - UPDATE
- [Neutron] Announcement of Cancellation: J-PARC MLF 2015B Call for General Use Proposals
- [Neutron] Budapest Neutron Centre-call for proposals, deadline 15 May
Fabian Margit
- [Neutron] DENIM 2015_2nd Call for Contributions
Fábián Margit
- [Neutron] DENIM-Extended abstract submission deadline: 15th July 2015
Fábián Margit
- [Neutron] BNC call for proposals! deadline 15 October 2015
Fábián Margit
- [Neutron] ORNL - Postdoctoral Research Associate - Crystal Plasticity Based Finite Element Modeling / NB50520590
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Neutron Imaging and Diffraction/ NB50431854
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL -Postdoctoral Research Associate in Quantum Condensed Matter / NB50523324
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Senior Scientist for Materials Modeling and Simulation / NB50524969
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Polarized Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) / NB50526418
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL - Postdoctoral Research Associate - Neutron Scattering Studies of Large-Scale Structures in QCM / NB50525847
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Shull Fellow / NB50529495
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL : Senior Detection Scientist /NB50529701
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] CORRECTION ORNL: Senior Detector Scientist / NB50529701
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Energy Storage Material and Neutron Reflectivity / NB50530878
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: US ITER Vacuum Systems Group Leader / NB50531555
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Protein Crystallography / NB50531721
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] 30+ new PhD Studentships for 2015
Duncan McGillivray
- [Neutron] 6th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology
Meilleur, Flora
- [Neutron] 6th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology
Meilleur, Flora
- [Neutron] FINAL REMINDER: Neutrons in Structural Biology
Meilleur, Flora
- [Neutron] International Interdisciplinary Event “Science for Life” 2015, Lampedusa (Italy), 20-25 May 2015
Federica Migliardo
- [Neutron] DMI workshop in Russia
Evgeny Moskvin
- [Neutron] Sad notice
- [Neutron] Neutron Delivery Systems 2015 - 4th International Workshop - ILL, Grenoble - France - 28-30 Spetember 2015
- [Neutron] REMINDER - Neutron Delivery Systems 2015 - ILL, Grenoble - France - 28-30 Spetember 2015
- [Neutron] NDS 2015 - Last call - abstract submission deadline 31 July
- [Neutron] Walter Hälg Prize Announcement
Nicolae, Ulla
- [Neutron] Announcement of 7th Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize 2015
Nicolae, Ulla
- [Neutron] Announcement: [Metals]-Special Issue "Metals Challenged by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation"- (IF = 0.883)
Metals Editorial Office
- [Neutron] ICSM2016: Call For Abstracts; Deadline- 27th November, 2015: On-line Registration is Open!
ICSM2016 Organizers
- [Neutron] ICSM2016: Updates and Abstract Submission Deadline extended to 9th December, 2015!
ICSM2016 Organizers
- [Neutron] RMCProfile Workshop at the SNS: February 10-12, 2016
Page, Katharine L.
- [Neutron] The Annual National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering
Porter, Sharon A.
- [Neutron] Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: Deadline 15 March 2015 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: Deadline 15 September 2015 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Leadership position at ANSTO, Sydney, Australia [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Announcing the 5th School on Representational Analysis and Magnetic Structures
Ratcliff, William D.
- [Neutron] New post at ILL/ Stellenausschreibung /Nouveau poste à pourvoir (ref. 15/10)
- [Neutron] “Complex Electronic Materials” Postdoctoral Position at CHESS
Jacob Ruff
- [Neutron] Please save the date for international conference on quasielastic neutron scattering QENS 2016
Russina, Margarita
- [Neutron] 1st announcement of conference on quasielastic neutron scattering QENS 2016
Russina, Margarita
- [Neutron] 1st announcement of the international workshop on inelastic neutron spectrometers WINS 2016
Russina, Margarita
- [Neutron] JOB: Neutronics Group Leader, Harwell
Hayley Page (UK SBS)
- [Neutron] JOB: Instrument Scientist, Didcot
Hayley Page (UK SBS)
- [Neutron] Please can you post to Neutron mailing list?
Stacey Hughes (UK SBS)
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Researcher (IRC183453) - The Science and Technology Facilities Council
Stacey Hughes (UK SBS)
- [Neutron] First announcement, SCTE-2016
- [Neutron] 6th Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science
- [Neutron] SRPS6: Registration and call for abstracts for the VI Conference of Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science already open
- [Neutron] SRPS6: Deadline for Abstract Submission is approaching
- [Neutron] SRPS6: Extension for Abstract Submission deadline and best junior contributions awards
- [Neutron] SRPS6: Abstract submission deadline is approaching
- [Neutron] Job announcement - NPL instrument scientist, neutron diffraction
Jan Saroun
- [Neutron] Invitation
Schlegel, Moritz-Caspar
- [Neutron] CETS2015 - 9th neutron school of Budapest
Central European Training School
- [Neutron] Instrument scientist for the powder diffractometer DREAM at ESS
Schweika, Werner
- [Neutron] FLNP JINR - Proposals Call, II Round - 2015
- [Neutron] [The 1st Newsletter] International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2017
ICNS 2017 Secretariat
- [Neutron] Two post doc positions
Stig Skelboe
- [Neutron] IFF Spring School 2015
- [Neutron] IFF Spring School 2015 "Functional Soft Matter"
- [Neutron] IFF Spring School 2016: Registration is open
- [Neutron] IFF Spring School 2016: registration deadline approaching
- [Neutron] IFF Spring School 2016 "Memristive Phenomena": Registration still open
- [Neutron] 2 PhDs in Neutron & X-ray Scattering to Quantify Multiscale Food Structures
Wim Bouwman - TNW
- [Neutron] Copenhagen Benzon Symposium on Current highlights in Structural Biology - last chance for registration
Bente Vestergaard
- [Neutron] Job Posting -- University of Maryland, College Park for Engineer -Neutron Optics
Watson, Shannon
- [Neutron] NRU reactor shutdown announced
Christopher Wiebe
- [Neutron] McStas 2.2 released!
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] McStas 2.2 released!
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] Freshly built McStas 2.2a released
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] Announcing BornAgain 1.0: a software to simulate and fit small-angle scattering at grazing incidence
Joachim Wuttke
- [Neutron] Postdoc position in scientific software development and data analysis at MLZ Garching
Joachim Wuttke
- [Neutron] The Gordon Research Conference on Neutron Scattering in Hong Kong, June 21-25, 2015
Prof. WANG Xun-Li
- [Neutron] Gordon Research Conference on Neutron Scattering - Preliminary Conference Program
Prof. WANG Xun-Li
- [Neutron] A joint postdoctoral fellow position [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]
YU, Dehong
- [Neutron] PhD position: “Structure, Dynamics and Order in Transition-Metal Cyanides”
Mohamed ZBIRI
- [Neutron] Fwd: Call for Papers Now Open -- 2015 MRS Fall Meeting
Yang Zhang
- [Neutron] 19th JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering: September 7-18, 2015
Reiner Zorn
- [Neutron] COST2015 School LONDON
- [Neutron] First Announcement - VI European Conference on Neutron Scattering 30th August 2015. 4th September 2015, Zaragoza Spain
- [Neutron] [ECNS-2015] Registration and call for abstracts for the VI European Conference on Neutron Scattering opens
- [Neutron] Registration and call for abstracts for the VI European Conference on Neutron Scattering opens
- [Neutron] ECNS2015 - 2 Days left to submit your Abstract! Deadline on 15th March
- [Neutron] Abstract Submission Deadline Extended - March 24th 2015
- [Neutron] ECNS2015 Reminder - 1 Day left to submit your Abstract! Deadline on 24th of March 2015
- [Neutron] [ECNS-2015] VI EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON NEUTRON SCATTERING 2015 - Deadline for abstract poster submission: Now 25th May 2015
- [Neutron] [ECNS-2015] VI European Conference on Neutron Scattering 30th August 2015. 4th September 2015 - Preliminary Program
- [Neutron] VI European Conference on Neutron Scattering 30th August 2015. 4th September 2015 - Preliminary Program
- [Neutron] [ECNS-2015] ECNS2015 - 30% Discount Voucher on all trains to Zaragoza!
- [Neutron] [ECNS-2015] Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS 2015) - submission section now live!
- [Neutron] [ECNS-2015] 2015 Walter Hälg Prize announced!
- [Neutron] [ECNS-2015] 6th European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS 2015) -Final Programme Now Available!
- [Neutron] 8th ILL FullProf School, 14-18 December 2015, Grenoble (F)
- [Neutron] MATRAC Summer School 'Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science' to be held in Hamburg/Ammersbek, Germany, September 21 to 25, 2015
andreas.schreyer at hzg.de
- [Neutron] First Announcement EPDIC15
epdic15-secretariat at ic.cnr.it
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No.57
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No.58
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter Special Issue May 2015
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 59
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 60
- [Neutron] Vacancy - Instrument Scientist in Chemical Dynamics and Spectroscopy at ISIS
giovanni.romanelli at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Mantid Training Courses in February at ISIS
nick.draper at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Mantid training courses in September 2015
nick.draper at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] ISIS proposal deadline: 16 April
philip.king at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Proposal Deadline: ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
philip.king at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] PhD studentship in Stroboscopic Neutron and Synchrotron Studies
saurabh.kabra at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Problems with IUCR mailing lists
stephen.king at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Problems with IUCR mailing lists - UPDATE
stephen.king at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] SasView 3.1.2 - please upgrade
stephen.king at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Vacancy: Small-angle Neutron Scattering Instrument Scientist at ISIS - Ref: IRC213757
stephen.king at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Applications now open for the 14th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering (Sept. 2015)
victoria.garcia-sakai at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Reminder: Application deadline 1st May for the 14th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering (Sept. 2015)
victoria.garcia-sakai at stfc.ac.uk
Last message date:
Wed Dec 23 17:07:35 CET 2015
Archived on: Mon Feb 10 09:37:16 CET 2020
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