[Neutron] Two post doc positions

Stig Skelboe skelboe at nbi.ku.dk
Mon Oct 19 13:55:27 CEST 2015

Two Postdoc Positions at the eScience Group

Niels Bohr Institute
Faculty of Science

University of Copenhagen

The positions are part of the EU project BrightnESS, and they involve a close cooperation between the eScience group at the Niels Bohr Institute and the Data Management and Software Center of the European Spallation Source (http://www.esss.se). The research is about the development and implementation of algorithms for converting raw data from neutron detectors into spatial location and time of neutron events.
  The postdocs’ duties will be to develop and evaluate suitable algorithms for real time neutron event processing, identify processor architectures and develop software to meet the stringent real time processing requirements, verify the algorithm and system design for the available detector designs and benchmark the performance in terms of accuracy, reliability and speed. To meet the needs of different detector types, a scalable framework to host different algorithms and to feed the data to downstream consumers will have to be generated in this project as well.
  We are seeking applicants with a degree in physics, computer/electrical engineering or computer science. We need qualifications and experience in one or several of the following areas: C++ programming, real time processing and low level programming, FPGA design and programming,  scientific data processing, data fitting and statistics. Applicants must be confortable developing in Linux based operating systems.
  The full information about the jobs and the application process can be found at http://employment.ku.dk/faculty/?show=776419

Stig Skelboe, Professor, Dr. Techn.
Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen,
Blegdamsvej 17, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone: +45 35 32 14 49, Mobil: +45 21 30 83 23
E-mail: skelboe at nbi.dk  Home page: www.diku.dk/~stig
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