[Neutron] Facilities - Inaugural Issue of Quantum Beam Science - [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] [QuBS] [Facilities]

Klaus-Dieter Liss kdl at ansto.gov.au
Fri Jul 22 01:55:06 CEST 2016

*Dear Colleagues,
as Editor-In-Chief, it is my pleasure to call for contributions to the 
/Inaugural Special Issue,/ /*Facilities*/ of MDPI's recently launched 
open access journal /*Quantum Beam Science*/, covering all aspects of 
large-user beam facilities with applications to materials.

/*Quantum Beam Science*/ covers *synchrotron radiation**, **neutron 
beams**, **FEL**, **electrons**,**large lasers**, **muons**, 
**positrons**, **ions**.*

In this Special Issue, */Facilities/*, we intend to cover in-depth large 
user facilities in an overview, their capabilities, park of beamlines 
and applications. The audience is the specialist user community, so that 
quantitative information can be exposed while there is enough breadth 
for an interdisciplinary reader.

We envisage */Facilities/* will cover *all of the leading institutions 
*and therefore seek for contributions by your institute. Beyond the 
invited papers, we have already a list of world-leading institutes 
confirmed to contribute.

Please find further information under

Kindly let us know shortly your intention of participation.

We are looking forward to your response and that your facility will not 
be missing in this Special Issue.

Yours, sincerely,
*Klaus-Dieter Liss*

Prof. Klaus-Dieter Liss
Editor-In Chief – Quantum Beam Science

Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Oganisation
Locked Bag 2001, Kirrawee DC, NSW 2232, Australia
New Illawarra Road, Lucas Heights, NSW 2234, Australia

T: +61-2-9717+9479
F: +61-2-9717+7363
M: 0419 166 978

E: kdl at ansto.gov.au

work: http://uow.edu.au/~kdl/
private: http://liss.freeshell.org

Honorary Professor at the University of Wollongong

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