2016 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Jan 4 22:08:10 CET 2016
Ending: Sat Dec 31 05:00:34 CET 2016
Messages: 284
- [Neutron] 30th Meeting of the European Crystallographic Association, 28.8. - 1.9.2016, Basel, Switzerland: Call for early bird registration
Schefer Juerg (PSI)
- [Neutron] Horace & SpinW workshop 30th Jan - 3rd Feb 2017
Toth Sandor (PSI)
- [Neutron] SINQ at PSI - Call for proposals II-16
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] PSI open position: Director of the neutrons and muons (NUM) division
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Reminder: SINQ at PSI - Call for proposals II-16
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] PSI Open Position: Group Leader - Neutron Imaging and Activation Group
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Open positions: PSI-FELLOW-II-i3 / Postdoctoral Fellows
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] SINQ back in operation and new proposal deadline
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Two PhD Studentships in Biophysics
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] Open position at PSI: Postdoctoral Fellow in the field of Neutron Scattering Studies on Li-ion Batteries
Useroffice (PSI)
- [Neutron] ORNL 2016-B neutron scattering proposal call: updated information for the Quantum Condensed Matter instruments at the HFIR
Aczel, Adam A.
- [Neutron] ORNL 2017-A neutron scattering proposal call: updated information for the quantum condensed matter user program at the HFIR
Aczel, Adam A.
- [Neutron] Call for proposals on French neutron scattering instruments : deadline April 1st : 2 weeks left
- [Neutron] Call for proposals on French neutron scattering instruments : deadline April 1st
- [Neutron] Call for proposals on French neutron scattering instruments : deadline extended to November 3rd
- [Neutron] Erice School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation 1st-9th April 2016
Ken Andersen
- [Neutron] SENS2016 workshop: abstract submission deadline extended to the 31st of March, 2016
- [Neutron] 1st Argentinean Conference on Neutron Scattering TN2017 - First Announcement
Gabriela Aurelio
- [Neutron] III International Conference on Small Angle Neutron Scattering
Maria Balasoiu
- [Neutron] Update on Neutron Scattering in Canada
Banks, Daniel
- [Neutron] New Book: Neutron Scattering and Other Nuclear Techniques for Hydrogen in Materials
Banks, Daniel
- [Neutron] 4th International Technical Meeting on Small Reactors
Banks, Daniel
- [Neutron] Call for proposals: Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
Banks, Daniel
- [Neutron] Call for proposals: Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
Banks, Daniel
- [Neutron] Call for proposals: Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
Banks, Daniel
- [Neutron] Call for proposals: Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
Banks, Daniel
- [Neutron] [ORNL_Neutrons_ProposalCall] Magnetic Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction Workshop Registration Now Open
Bethea, Katie L.
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Research Associate at ORNL in Energy Resonance Imaging of Nuclear Materials
Bethea, Katie L.
- [Neutron] Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission QENS/WINS 2016
Bierbaum, Jennifer
- [Neutron] Last Chance to submit your Abstract QENS/WINS 2016
Bierbaum, Jennifer
- [Neutron] Invitation: Sixth Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on ESS Science
Heloisa Nunes Bordallo
- [Neutron] Gordon Research Conference "Water & Aqueous Solutions"
Sebastian Busch
- [Neutron] CERIC Call for Proposals Now Open
- [Neutron] ILL Call for proposals
- [Neutron] 18th National school on Neutron and X-ray scattering
Chakoumakos, Bryan C.
- [Neutron] Please check the bids for SAS-2021
Daniel Clemens
- [Neutron] Post-doctoral position: self-consistent modelling for neutron scattering applications
Magnus Hörnqvist Colliander
- [Neutron] Neutronsources.org: funding for schools, projects, ESS, CFP, events and job vacancies!
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Neutronsources.org: cholesterol, fire, detectors, CFP, jobs, events, and much more!
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Neutronsources.org: videos, forensic, e-learning, industry, ESS, CFP, events and much more!
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Neutronsources.org: light switch, iron age, drugs, call for industry, events, and much more!
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] REGISTRATION: Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures on May 29-30, 2017 in Munich
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] Neutronsources.org: Nobel Prize, Sketchnotes, neutrons for industry, for health, schools, many jobs, and much more!
Ines Crespo
- [Neutron] ORNL: Instrument Hall Coordinator / NB50576358
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Ion Source Technician / NB50581207
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Organic Spintronics / Electronics / NB50583248
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Physics / NB50584043
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Mechanical Engineer / NB50591281
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Mechanical Engineer - Experiments / NB50595337
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: NRSF2 Instrument Scientist / NB50597027
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Protection Systems Engineer / NB50598370
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Protection Systems Engineer / NB50598377
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Computational Neutron Sciences / NB50599580
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Beam Instrumentation and Experimental Technology / NB50600313
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Control Room Accelerator Specialist / NB50600620
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Quantum Condensed Matter / NB50601908
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: General Purpose SANS Instrument Scientist / NB50601917
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Chief Engineer, Proton Power Upgrade / NB50601924
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - NESL / NB50602456
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Nuclear Safety Analyst / NB50602930
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Neutron Scattering and Data Analysis / NB50603622
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Experiment Safety Engineer / NB50603627
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Shull Fellowship / NB50605012
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Team Leader Data Analysis and Modeling / NB50605424
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: BASIS Instrument Scientist / NB50609876
Davidson, Lauren
- [Neutron] ORNL: Powgen Instrument Scientist / NB50573347
Davidson, Lauren D.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate In 3-D Imaging Protein Structures / NB50574008
Davidson, Lauren D.
- [Neutron] ORNL: Instrumentation and Controls Engineering Technologist / NB50574021
Davidson, Lauren D.
- [Neutron] Fwd: Science Summer School in Grenoble - France
Sophie Debrion
- [Neutron] Phase 2 of the ILL Endurance Upgrade Programme
Charles Dewhurst
- [Neutron] OPen postdoc positions at LaCNS
John DiTusa
- [Neutron] [ORNL_Neutrons_ProposalCall] Call for ORNL Neutron Sciences User Proposals at HFIR and SNS - 2016B
Edwards, Laura Morris
- [Neutron] [ORNL_Neutrons_ProposalCall] Magnetic Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction
Edwards, Laura Morris
- [Neutron] [ORNL_Neutrons_ProposalCall] Reminder: FINAL Call for ORNL Neutron Sciences User Proposals at HFIR and SNS - 2016B
Edwards, Laura Morris
- [Neutron] [ORNL_Neutrons_ProposalCall] Initial Call for ORNL Neutron Sciences User Proposals at HFIR and SNS - 2017A
Edwards, Laura Morris
- [Neutron] [ORNL_Neutrons_ProposalCall] Call for ORNL Neutron Sciences User Proposals at HFIR and SNS - 2017A
Edwards, Laura Morris
- [Neutron] [ORNL_Neutrons_ProposalCall] Updated: Call for ORNL Neutron Sciences User Proposals at HFIR and SNS - 2017A
Edwards, Laura Morris
- [Neutron] [ORNL_Neutrons_ProposalCall] Final Reminder: Due October 5 - Call for ORNL Neutron Sciences User Proposals at HFIR and SNS - 2017A
Edwards, Laura Morris
- [Neutron] celebrating "2016 Debye-Rietveld Year" on Thu/22/sept/2016
Lambert van Eijck
- [Neutron] Symposium in Cancun -abstract submission deadline extended to April 15, 2016
Fernandez-Baca, Jaime A.
- [Neutron] 2016 Gordon Research Conference on Multiferroic & Magnetoelectric Materials
Fernandez-Baca, Jaime A.
- [Neutron] 24th Neutron Scattering Days - Journees de la Diffusion Neutronique 24 - 2-4 May 2016
Peter Fouquet
- [Neutron] Fwd: ECOSS-32 News: Call for papers - deadline extended
Giovanna Fragneto
- [Neutron] 7th International Conference Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability - June 19-26 2016 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] First Announcement: RheoSAS 2016, Grenoble 19-21 September 2016
Yuri Gerelli
- [Neutron] REMINDER: RheoSAS 2016, Grenoble 19-21 September 2016
Yuri Gerelli
- [Neutron] New Job - Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH - Technical Project Manager - reference numer 2015-299
Goettert, Eileen
- [Neutron] First Circular and call for abstracts Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung 2016
Karin Griewatsch
- [Neutron] ACA 2016 SAS Workshop
Kushol Gupta
- [Neutron] ACA 2016 SAS Session WK05.09
Kushol Gupta
- [Neutron] ACA 2016 SAS Workshop
Kushol Gupta
- [Neutron] Announcement 9th COST School on Surface Analytical Techniques, April 4-7 2016, Regensburg Germany
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Registration open PNCMI2016, 4-7 July, 2016, Freising, Germany
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Reminder: Abstract submission deadline PNCMI2016: March 31, 2016
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] Reminder: Abstract submission deadline PNCMI2016: March 31, 2016
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] MLZ Conference Neutrons for Health, save the date
Thomas Gutberlet
- [Neutron] PhD position at Helmholtz Center Berlin for Materials and Energy, EM2016/6
Marie Haltod
- [Neutron] Postdoc position for scattering experiments at high magnetic fields
Marie Haltod
- [Neutron] PhD Student (MSc in Physics) at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
Marie Haltod
- [Neutron] 37th Berlin School on Neutron Scattering (2-10 March 2017)
Marie Haltod
- [Neutron] Job posting: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Neutron and X-ray Scattering
Hermann, Raphael P.
Hernandez, Yamali
- [Neutron] NCNR Summer School 2016
Hernandez, Yamali
Hernandez, Yamali
- [Neutron] Symposium: 40 years of neutron scattering
Hernandez, Yamali
Hernandez, Yamali
- [Neutron] NCNR Summer School
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
- [Neutron] Workshop on Sample Environment at Scattering Facilities
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
- [Neutron] International Workshop on Sample Environment at Scattering Facilities
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
- [Neutron] International Workshop on Sample Environment at Scattering Facilities
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
- [Neutron] Last reminder: NCNR CALL FOR PROPOSALS
Hernandez, Yamali (Fed)
- [Neutron] Invitation to CLES/LANSA'17 - Unsubscribe
Mark Higgins
- [Neutron] Postdoc Positions on Non-Equilibrium Matter at UIUC (Unsubscribe)
Mark Higgins
- [Neutron] Registration opened: MLZ Conference "Neutrons for Energy"
Holderer, Olaf
- [Neutron] Reminder: march 15 early bird registration deadline for the MLZ Conference "Neutrons for Energy"
Holderer, Olaf
- [Neutron] March 31: abstract submission deadline for the MLZ Conference „Neutrons for Energy“
Holderer, Olaf
- [Neutron] ORNL | Macromolecular Nanomaterials Opportunity
Howard, Lorrin B.
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Post Doctoral Fellow at ILL - Ref 16/01
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at ILL - (ref 16/03)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 16/13)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 16/14)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 16/16)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 16/18)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 16/19)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (Ref 16/33)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 16/34)
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] ILL - Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - Ref 16/41
Recruitment ILL
- [Neutron] 5th International Symposium on Diffraction Structural Biology (ISDSB2016)
Ianni, Ava Y.
- [Neutron] [ORNL_Neutrons_ProposalCall] 5th International Symposium on Diffraction Structural Biology (ISDSB2016)
Ianni, Ava Y.
- [Neutron] 5th International Symposium on Diffraction Structural Biology (ISDSB2016)
Ianni, Ava Y.
- [Neutron] Call for Abstracts : Neutrons and Food 4 : May 31st - June 2nd 2016
Andrew Jackson
- [Neutron] 2nd Call and Registration Open : Neutrons and Food 4 : May 31st - June 2nd 2016
Andrew Jackson
- [Neutron] 20th Swedish Neutron Scattering Society Annual Meeting
Andrew Jackson
- [Neutron] Neutrons and Food : Abstract Deadline 29th April
Andrew Jackson
- [Neutron] Workshop on SoNDe application Neutron detection in research and industry
Jaksch, Sebastian
- [Neutron] Extension of deadlines for detector workshop
Jaksch, Sebastian
- [Neutron] Workshop on SoNDe application Neutron detection in research and industry -- Deadline Extension
Jaksch, Sebastian
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Fellow in Condensed Matter Physics/Neutron Scattering
Kaiser, Helmut
- [Neutron] Announcement for 4-day Rietveld school
Khalifah, Peter
- [Neutron] Post-doctoral position in neutron optics research at the MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
Boris Khaykovich
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral fellow - Neutronics modelling - Kjeller
Kenneth Dahl Knudsen
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Fellow in Battery Technology: Advanced Characterization
Kenneth Dahl Knudsen
- [Neutron] EHPRG Meeting - 2016: MS "Novel high pressure instrumentation at large scale facilities: neutrons"
Denis P. Kozlenko
- [Neutron] Call for Abstracts: ISMC2016 - 4th International Soft Matter Conference, September 12-16, 2016, Grenoble, France
Peter Lindner
- [Neutron] Bombannes Summer School 2016 – FINAL CALL: pre-registration ends this week
Peter Lindner
- [Neutron] ISMC2016 – 4th International Soft Matter conference, 12 - 16 Sep, Grenoble, 3rd announcement: preliminary programme, early bird registration deadline
Peter Lindner
- [Neutron] Facilities - Inaugural Issue of Quantum Beam Science - [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] [QuBS] [Facilities]
Klaus-Dieter Liss
- [Neutron] Postdoc Researcher in Soft Matter Science/Biophysics at NCNR and University of Delaware
Liu, Yun
- [Neutron] ACA 2016 Meeting in Denver: Call for Papers: "Magnetic Entanglement and Complex Magnetic Materials"
Llobet Megias, Anna
- [Neutron] Research Scientist position at the University of Virginia
Despina Louca
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral position available at the University of Virginia now
Despina Louca
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Research position at the University of Virginia
Despina Louca
- [Neutron] NSSA Announces the 2016 prize recipients
Lumsden, Mark D.
- [Neutron] 2016 NSSA Fellows
Lumsden, Mark D.
- [Neutron] Joint PhD position within Soft Matter in Norway/Germany
Reidar Lund
- [Neutron] Director's Postdoctoral Fellowship
Lynn, Jeffrey W (Fed)
- [Neutron] Scientific Software Developer
Sara Margaryan
- [Neutron] BNC call for proposals_deadline 1st April
Fábián Margit
- [Neutron] BNC call for proposals-deadline 1 October
Fábián Margit
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Neutron Total Scattering and Nanostructured Materials NB50534750
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate In In-situ Neutron Diffraction of Electrochemical Energy Storage Materials / NB50510860
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Liquids Reflectometer Instrument Scientist / NB50536242
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] Posted: Accelerator Physicist / NB50538674
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] Posted: Shull Fellow / NB50539495
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Superconducting Linac Systems Technician / NB50540538
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Target Systems Engineer - Design / NB50542459
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Beamline Postdoctoral Research Associate / NB50542449
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Environmental Chemistry / NB50542749
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Engineering Materials / NB50534777
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Assistant - Modeling Scattering Data in Neutron Vibrational Spectroscopy / NB50545014
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Neutron Scattering Studies of Biological Systems / NB50546277
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Beamline Postdoctoral Research Associate / NB50546297
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Division Director, Biology and Soft Matter-NB50469141
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Quantum Condensed Matter / NB50523324
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Superconducting Linac Systems / NB50548720
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Beamline Postdoctoral Research Assistant / NB50549058
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Mechanical Design Engineer / NB50549088
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] POSTED: Shull Fellow / NB50529495
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] CORRECTION: - ORNL: Beamline Postdoctoral Research Associate / NB50549058
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Modeling Scattering Data in Neutron Vibrational Spectroscopy / NB50545014
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Control Room Accelerator Specialist / NB50550005
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Target Systems Engineer - Design / NB50551795
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] POSTED: Beamline Postdoctoral Research Associate / NB50551807
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Protein Chemist/Structural Biologist / NB50554699
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Controls Engineer - Process Controls / NB50555155
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] Extended Posting ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Neutron Scattering Studies of Biological Systems / NB50546277
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] Extended Posting ORNL: Beamline Postdoctoral Research Associate / NB50549058
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] Extended Posting ORNL: Beamline Postdoctoral Research Associate / NB50546297
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Neutron Total Scattering and Disordered Crystalline Materials / NB50560011
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] UPDATE - ORNL : Postdoctoral Research Associate in Neutron Total Scattering and Disordered Crystalline Materials / NB50560011
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] Extend ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Modeling Scattering Data in Neutron Vibrational Spectroscopy / NB50545014
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] EXTENSION: ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Superconducting Linac Systems / NB50548720
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Accelerator Physics Application Programmer / NB50562869
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Accelerator Physics Application Programmer / NB50562862
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] EXTEND :ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Neutron Scattering Studies of Biological Systems / NB50546277
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] EXTENSION: ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Quantum Condensed Matter / NB50523324
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Lignocellulose Structure and Deconstruction / NB50568288
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Beamline Postdoctoral Research Associate / NB50568600
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] ORNL: Postdoctoral Research Associate - Modeling Scattering Data in Neutron Vibrational Spectroscopy / NB50545014
McCormick, B. Logan
- [Neutron] 7th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology
Meilleur, Flora
- [Neutron] 7th workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology
Meilleur, Flora
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Position in Neutron Scattering and Imaging
Muehlbauer, Martin (IAM)
- [Neutron] Invitation to attend the workshop "50 Years of Neutron Backscattering Spectroscopy" on 2 and 3 September 2016 in Garching/Germany
- [Neutron] Invitation to attend "50 Years of Neutron Backscattering Spectroscopy" and call for abstracts
- [Neutron] "50 Years of Neutron Backscattering Spectroscopy" workshop taking place on 2&3 September 2016 at the research campus of Garching - Reminder
- [Neutron] "50 Years of Neutron Backscattering Spectroscopy" workshop taking place on 2&3 September 2016 at the research campus of Garching - REMINDER
- [Neutron] Workshop: "50 Years of Neutron Backscattering Spectroscopy" - Program available now
- [Neutron] Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Gheorghe Lucian Pascut
- [Neutron] BornAgain School and User Meeting 2016
Gennady Pospelov
- [Neutron] Hybrid Method Approaches for Structural Biology session for ACA Meeting
Shuo Qian
- [Neutron] Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: Deadline 15 March 2016 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] ICRS-10 (2016) Announcement [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]
- [Neutron] Postdoc job advert EPN campus Grenoble
- [Neutron] One Day magnetic structure workshop at ACA meeting in Denver
Ratcliff, William D.
- [Neutron] Erratum - Vacancy for a Scientist at ILL - (ref 16/34)
- [Neutron] Vacancy for a SCIENTIST at ILL - (ref 16/38)
ILL Recruitment
- [Neutron] 2nd Announcement of QENS 2016 and WINS 2016
Russina, Margarita
- [Neutron] call for proposals on TOF spectrometer NEAT
Russina, Margarita
- [Neutron] Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: Deadline 15 September 2016 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Deadline for Neutron Scattering and Deuteration Proposals at the OPAL Reactor, in Sydney, Australia: Deadline 15 September 2016 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
- [Neutron] Position as a Professor in Physics with Focus on Magnetism, Lund University
Joachim Schnadt
- [Neutron] CETS2016 - Budapest
Central European Training School
- [Neutron] CETS2016 - Registration deadline extended
Central European Training School
- [Neutron] Vacancy for an instrument scientist for neutron radiography and tomography at MLZ
Michael Schulz
- [Neutron] [1st Newsletter] ICNS 2017 - Call for Abstracts
ICNS 2017 Secretariat
- [Neutron] IFF Spring School 2016 "Memristive Phenomena": Registration deadline 31 January
- [Neutron] IFF Spring School 2017 "Topological Matter": Registration is open
- [Neutron] ICTMS2017_call_for_abstacts
Markus Strobl
- [Neutron] Joint Workshop JCNS and Flipper 2016
Su, Yixi
- [Neutron] PhD position at ILL - Modular protein assemblies
Maria Sunnerhagen
- [Neutron] Call for Abstracts: ISMC2016 - 4th International Soft Matter Conference, September 12-16, 2016, Grenoble, France
Bianca Tatu
- [Neutron] 37th REIMEI workshop January 13 to 17th 2017 Information, especially for Graduate Students and Postdocs.
Ziman Timothy
- [Neutron] Post-doc opening in Brookhaven Neutron Scattering Group
Tranquada, John
- [Neutron] Phd position available: High-temperature superconductivity (neutron investigation and modelling of phonons)
Linda Udby
- [Neutron] Announcement of e-neutrons.org, e-learning platform for neutron scattering
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] McStas 2.3 released!
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] McStas workshop at NOBUGS, October 20-21
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] Online workshop "Neutrons cradle to grave" on September 7th
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] McStas workshop at NOBUGS, October 20-21 (McXtrace also possible)
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] Online workshop "Neutrons cradle to grave" on September 6th
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] Updated component library for McStas 2.3 released, including ESS_butterfly.comp
Peter Kjær Willendrup
- [Neutron] Reminder JCNS Workshop 2016 and FLIPPER workshop, Deadline Aug. 15, 2016
JCNS Workshop
- [Neutron] 2016 Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering, August 7-13, Hong Kong
Prof. WANG Xun-Li
- [Neutron] Reminder - 2016 Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering, August 7-13, Hong Kong
Prof. WANG Xun-Li
- [Neutron] Job openings for a detector physicist and an engineer in the FRM II detector group
Karl Zeitelhack
- [Neutron] Postdoc Positions on Non-Equilibrium Matter at UIUC
Yang Zhang
- [Neutron] Physics of Liquids at APS March Meeting 2017
Yang Zhang
- [Neutron] 20th JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering: September 5-16, 2016
Reiner Zorn
- [Neutron] French Neutron Scattering Conference JDN24 - Submission deadline extended to 15 March
- [Neutron] 9th ILL Annual FullProf School, 9-14 Mai 2016, Grenoble
- [Neutron] HZB BER II - Call for Proposals 2017_I
gast at helmholtz-berlin.de
- [Neutron] Job offer: Industrial Liaison Scientist (m/f)
Marc.Thiry at hzg.de
- [Neutron] MATRAC 2 Winter School 'Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science with special focus on Fundamental Aspects of Materials' to be held in Utting/Ammersee and Garching/Munich, Germany, February 27 to March 3, 2017
Nicola.Kampner at hzg.de
- [Neutron] REMINDER: MATRAC 2 Winter School 'Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science with special focus on Fundamental Aspects of Materials' to be held in Utting/Ammersee and Garching/Munich, Germany, February 27 to March 3, 2017
Nicola.Kampner at hzg.de
- [Neutron] Early Registration for EPDIC15
epdic15 at ic.cnr.it
- [Neutron] Second Announcement EPDIC15
epdic15-secretariat at ic.cnr.it
- [Neutron] EPDIC15: Abstract submission deadline extended
epdic15-secretariat at ic.cnr.it
- [Neutron] EPDIC15: Final abstract submission deadline extension: March 10
epdic15-secretariat at ic.cnr.it
- [Neutron] Invitation to CLES/LANSA'17
fujio maekawa
- [Neutron] EXTENDED deadline: CLES/LANSA'17
fujio maekawa
- [Neutron] New Trends in Magnetic Structure Determination - Grenoble - 12 to 16 December 2016
- [Neutron] New Trends in Magnetic Structure Determination - Grenoble - 12 to 16 December 2016
- [Neutron] The PANalytical award 2016
gwilherm.nenert at panalytical.com
- [Neutron] Announcement of the Neutron and Muon School at J-PARC
kawakita at post.j-parc.jp
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 61
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 62
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 63
- [Neutron] J-PARC Newsletter No. 64
- [Neutron] Magnetism 2016 Conference Abstract Deadline 22nd of January 2016
christy.kinane at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Nanoscale Superconductivity : Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
christy.kinane at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Instrument Scientist for PolRef Beamline Oxfordshire, UK
christy.kinane at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] ISIS Computing Group Leader Position
kevin.knowles at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Mantid training courses 6-8th April
nick.draper at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Mantid training at ISIS September 2016
nick.draper at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] STFC ISIS: Larmor Instrument Scientist position
robert.dalgliesh at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Horace & SpinW workshop 30th Jan - 3rd Feb 2017
russell.ewings at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS XXII), 27 - 31 March 2017
sara.fletcher at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Future Applications of Small-Small Angle Scattering to Soft Matter, May 5 2016, Swindon, UK
stephen.king at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] ISIS Computing Group Leader Position
stephen.king at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Future Applications of Small-Small Angle Scattering to Soft Matter, May 5 2016 - Poster Deadline Extended
stephen.king at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] 4th Annual CCP-SAS Project Meeting
stephen.king at stfc.ac.uk
- [Neutron] Announcing SasView 4.0.1
stephen.king at stfc.ac.uk
Last message date:
Sat Dec 31 05:00:34 CET 2016
Archived on: Mon Feb 10 09:37:16 CET 2020
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