[Neutron] Neutronsources.org: Nobel Prize, Sketchnotes, neutrons for industry, for health, schools, many jobs, and much more!

Ines Crespo Ines.Crespo at frm2.tum.de
Wed Nov 16 10:36:23 CET 2016

Dear colleagues,

Below you can find the material posted on Neutronsources.org over the 
past 3 months, thanks to the world's neutron sources press officers, HR 
and scientists.

In particular, I'd like to draw your attention to the article "Neutrons 
before and after the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics". The article is a 
joint effort from neutron facilities around the world. We're now 
preparing a more detailed version to be published next year on the 
journal Neutron News. If you'd like to contribute (and/or update the 
website article) please feel free to contact us. You can read it here.

I'd like to remind you that Neutronsources is on Twitter, where we post 
regularly all new material. And some highlights are also posted on the 
EU Neutron Facebook page. You're welcome to follow and interact with us!

We hope you enjoy it!

***Scientific highlights* 
* Detailed molecular structure of silver nanocrystals determined here 
* Clarifying the Role of Vitamin E here 
* New material offers stable spintronics here 
* Physicists probe magnetic fluctuations in heavy fermion here 
* "Webcam" for battery production here 
* Exploring the origins of high-temperature superconductivity here 
* Move Over, Lasers: Scientists Can Now Create Holograms from Neutrons, 
Too here 
* Increasing Bio-Compatibility of Medical Devices here 
* Neutrons Verify New Quantum State here 
* What if neutron scattering uses the same type of detectors used to 
look into space? here 
* Improved Insight into the Structure of Lipid Membranes: Combining the 
Strengths of Neutron Reflectivity and Molecular Dynamics**here 

***Projects and awards* 
*** Sketchnote of 50 Years of Backscattering here 
* 95 scientists met in Coimbra for the SINE2020 General Assembly here 
* Wolfram-Prandl Prize to Dr. Anatoliy Senyshyn here 
* Martin Böhm is the new SINE2020 Coordinator here 
* 26 students attended the Italian Learning Days School here 
* SINE2020 funds metallurgy, surfactants, microelectronics, and fuel 
cells experiments here 
* NOW opening: FREE analysis of your material or device here 
* Report on Joint JCNS-Flipper Workshop here 
* The SISN Summer School 2016: a quick summary here 
* New Release of Mantid 3.8, October 2016 here 
* New Interactive Brochure: NMI3 – A successful European collaboration 
for science here 
* Meet the Women in Neutron Science here 

**News from the Neutron Centers* 
* A new Management team at ILL, as of 1st October 2016 here 
* Helsinki University Hospital receives a novel type of neutron source 
for cancer therapy here 
* From Science to Industry here 
* Project Moves Forward as New ESS Director General Takes Over here 
* MATRAC 2 Winter School here 
* SINQ back in operation and new proposal deadline**here 
*Calls for Proposals 
*Calendar* http://neutronsources.org/calendar.html?j=2016&k=0
* 28.11-1.12.16 
<http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=158&eventid=727>: Fan du LLB
* 27.02-3.03.17 
<http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=158&eventid=736>: MATRAC 
2 Winter School
* 27.02- 30.03.17 
HERCULES European School
* 28.02-9.03.17 
<http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=158&eventid=735>: ISIS 
Neutron Training Course
* 27.03-7.04.17 
<http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=158&eventid=731>: IFF 
Spring School
* 17- 21.04.17 
<http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=158&eventid=732>: 2017 
MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit
* 18-21.04.17 
* 29-30.05.17 
<http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=158&eventid=737>: Public 
Awareness of Research Infrastructures II

*Jobs *http://neutronsources.org/home/jobs.html_
__Chalmers University_
* Postdoc to develop materials modeling software for neutron scattering 
here <http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=157&jobid=364>
* Postdoctoral position in Scientific software development here 
<http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=157&jobid=364> (to be 
_China spallation neutron source
_* Neutron optics devices development here 
* Cryogenics Operator here 
_Georg-August-University Göttingen & FRM II_
* Postdoctoral Research Fellow PUMA _here 
* Industrial Liaison Scientist here 
_ILL and LiU_
* PhD position, Modular Protein Assemblies in Transcriptional Regulation 
here <http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=157&jobid=347>
_* Group Leader - Neutron Imaging and Activation Group _here 
_* PSI-FELLOW-II-i3 / Postdoctoral Fellows here 
* Nuclear Safety Analyst here 
* Postdoctoral Research Associate - NESL here 
* Postdoctoral Research Associate - Beam Instrumentation and 
Experimental Technology here 
* Control Room Accelerator Specialist here 
* Postdoctoral Research Associate in Quantum Condensed Matter here 
* General Purpose SANS Instrument Scientist here 
* Chief Engineer, Proton Power Upgrade here 
* Protection Systems Engineer here 
* Postdoctoral Research Associate in Computational Neutron Sciences here 
__Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics_
_* PhD position in Neutron Particle Physics _here 
* Postdoc Positions in Non-Equilibrium Matter here 

Have you got interesting material you'd like us to promote on the 
website? Drop us an email: news at neutronsources.org.

If you'd like to receive the nice SINE2020 e-newsletter, please register 
your email here: 
http://sine2020.eu/sine2020-user-area/newsletter-subscription.html . To 
see the last issue go to 

Best regards,


Inês Crespo
Information Manager, NMI3, SINE2020, Neutronsources.org
Phone: +49 (0)89 289 14615

LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube: EUNeutron

Join us at the Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures workshop:

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