[Neutron] “IONIC LIQUIDS meet BIOMOLECULES” at the IUPAB/EBSA Congress in Edinburgh 16-20th July 2017 (http://www.iupab2017.org/)

UCD antonio.benedetto at ucd.ie
Fri Mar 17 00:35:50 CET 2017

Dear Colleagues,

the upcoming International and European Congress of Biophysics that will take place in Edinburgh this July (http://www.iupab2017.org/) features a full session devoted to a new class of organic ionic compounds interacting with biomolecules, modifying their properties and opening wide new avenues for applications.

More precisely, the session, named “Ionic Liquids meet Biomolecules”, is focussed on the interaction between organic ionic liquids and biological structures, such as biomembranes, proteins, nucleic acids, and mono- and poli-saccharides.
This represents a fast growing field of studies in between the biophysical and the ionic liquids communities, with potential impact on a variety of subjects from bio-physics to pharmacology and bio- medicine, spilling over to nanotechnology and materials science.

The session is scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday 19th of July, and will be followed by the gala dinner of the Congress.

The Congress itself will run from the 16th to the 20th of July in Edinburgh, and has a very exciting program that spans all biophysical sciences, providing an ideal setting for our session. The opening Plenary Lecture will be given by Venki Ramakrishnan, while Bob Lewkowitz will present the closing Plenary Lecture. Chris Dobson will deliver a Public Engagement Lecture on the first day of the congress at 2:30pm.

The “Ionic Liquids meet Biomolecules” session is going to be added to the on-line program in a few days. The other sessions and the list of invited speakers can be found at: http://www.iupab2017.org/speakers

I kindly invite you to submit an abstract to our special ionic liquid session for either a contributed talk and/or a poster. This is a unique opportunity for the room-temperature ionic liquid practitioners to gather together and meet the broader biophysics community, discussing the present state and future prospects of basic science and applications concerning ionic liquids in biosystems.

You can submit your abstract on-line on the Congress web-site (deadline 24 March 2017). You then need to register to the Congress. Registration includes all lunches, refreshments, conference dinner and events.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me either by e-mail at antonio.benedetto at ucd.ie or by phone at +353-1-716-2233.

Looking forward to see you in Edinburgh, I send my best regards. 


Antonio Benedetto 

Dr. Antonio Benedetto, PhD
SIRG Senior Research Fellow, and Visiting Assistant Professor
School of Physics 
University College Dublin (UCD)
UCD Belfield Campus, Dublin 4, Ireland


Visiting Research Fellow
Laboratory for Neutron Scattering
Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
PSI Campus, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland 

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