[Neutron] SNS and HFIR Upcoming Workshops

SNS-HFIR User Group neutronsciences.yahoo.com at mail.mailchimpapp.com
Tue Mar 28 19:28:14 CEST 2017

SHUG: SNS and HFIR Upcoming Workshops
To the SNS and HFIR User Community,

We are writing to solicit ideas from the user community for workshops to be held July 31 and August 3 (one day before and one day after the upcoming on-site user meeting). We currently have a slate of software tutorials scheduled and are looking for suggestions on new science areas, focused explorations of particular techniques, or outreach activities that are of broad interest to the neutron scattering community.

Depending on the activity, there are limited resources available for travel support and on-site infrastructure such as computer access. If you have suggestions for a particular workshop, please email Jen Niedziela (niedzielajl at ornl.gov (mailto:niedzielajl at ornl.gov) ) with details before April 6.

Happy Scattering,
The SNS-HFIR User Group (SHUG) consists of all persons interested in using the neutron scattering facilities at Oak Ridge. Learn more: http://neutrons.ornl.gov/shug

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