[Neutron] Final reminder Neutrons in Structural Biology 2017: abstract deadline

Estelle Mossou mossou at ill.fr
Fri May 5 11:44:23 CEST 2017

"Neutrons in Structural Biology” meeting, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble (June 7th-9th 2017)

Dear all,

This is a final reminder that the deadline for abstract submission for this meeting is midnight on the 8th May 2017.  Abstracts submitted after that date will not be considered for oral presentation and may not be included in the conference booklet/proceedings. The programme will be available shortly after.

More information can be found on the website: https://indico.ill.fr/nisb2017 <https://indico.ill.fr/nisb2017>

Best wishes,

The organizing committee 

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