[Neutron] NINMACH 2017 Conference, Budapest

NINMACH 2017 ninmach2017 at energia.mta.hu
Mon Jun 12 09:54:40 CEST 2017

Dear Colleagues,

This is the second circular of the 2nd Neutron Imaging and Neutron 
Methods in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (NINMACH 2017) conference, 
to be held between 11-13 October 2017, in Budapest, Hungary, organized 
by the Budapest Neutron Centre.

We expect contributions in the topics of Neutron imaging, Neutron 
activation analysis, Prompt gamma activation analysis, Neutron 
scattering,  Facilities, techniques and data processing, 
Autoradiography, as well as in Multi-technique approach and 
complementary techniques. Submissions for oral presentations and posters 
are welcome.

This is also a gentle reminder about the approaching abstract submission 
deadline, 30th of June. You are kindly requested to upload your 
contribution and register at your earliest convenience. The registration 
and abstract submission can be done via the INDICO conference management 
website at http://indico.kfki.hu/event/518/.

We also announce a young scientist award. For the details of the award, 
the venue and the registration fee, please refer to the attachment. 
Please also visit the conference website, or contact us via e-mail: 
ninmach2017 at bnc.hu.

Please share this information with your interested colleagues and 
national communities.

We look forward to welcome you in Budapest,

the Local Organizing Committee

2nd Neutron Imaging and Neutron Methods in
Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (NINMACH) conference

11-13 October 2017, Budapest, Hungary

organized by the Budapest Neutron Centre

Homepage:     http://www.bnc.hu/ninmach2017
E-mail:       ninmach2017 at bnc.hu
Registration: http://indico.kfki.hu/event/518/

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