[Neutron] Special session at the ICNS 2017

Fernandez-Baca, Jaime A. fernandezbja at ornl.gov
Thu Jul 6 23:35:53 CEST 2017

Dear attendees to the ICNS 2017 (Daejeon, Korea, July 9-13, 2017)
This is to call to your attention that there will be special invited session to  highlight the scientific contributions of the late Herb Mook (1939-2016) during his distinguished neutron scattering career of 50 years at ORNL. This Special Tribute to Herb Mook will be held on Monday July 10, 2017 at 2-4:30PM in room A of the Daejeon Convention Center. The invited speakers in this session are:

  *   Thomas E. Mason
  *   Jeffrey Lynn
  *   Sunil K Sinha
  *   Gabriel Aeppli
  *   Pengcheng Dai
The program of this session can be found in

I hope that you will join us in this special tribute to Herb Mook.
With regards,

Jaime Fernandez-Baca
Quantum Condensed Matter Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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